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Friday Mar 14, 2025

Yao's Rockets rout Yi's Bucks 104-88

Milwaukee Bucks Yi Jianlian (L) of China and Houston Rockets’ Yao Ming (R) battle for position in the fourth quarter of their NBA basketball game Nov. 9, 2007. The Rockets beat the Bucks 104-88.  (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)     BEIJING, Nov. 10 (Xinhuanet) — “Yao” is longer than “Yi”, and Houston Rockets showed it in a 104-88 victory […]

National Ethnic Games open in S China

Chinese Vice Premier Hui Liangyu attends the opening ceremony of the 8th Chinese Traditional Games of Ethnic Nationalities in Guangzhou, capital of south China’s Guangdong Province, Nov. 10, 2007.(Xinhua Photo)     GUANGZHOU, Nov. 10 (Xinhua) — One big happy family. So much it is when the 8th Chinese Traditional Games of Ethnic Nationalities opened here on […]

FISU EC Member Receives Award

    On October 25th, the Portuguese Sports Confederation held its annual Sports Gala at Estoril Casino in Lisbon – the same venue of the closing ceremony of 2004 FISU Forum. The Portuguese Presidency Minister, Pedro Silva Pereira, the Portuguese Sports Secretary of State, Laurentino Dias, the Portuguese Olympic Committee President, Vicente de Moura, FADU President, […]

Economic Structure

Shenzhen, in keeping with its development as a modern city, has built a new industrial infrastructure, with high-tech industry and advanced manufacturing as its base and modern tertiary industry as its backbone. Industrial Structure Shenzhen has formed a modern industrial “aircraft carrier group,” which has the high-tech industry as its “aircraft carrier,” and other advanced […]

Crackdown begins on Olympic drug cheats

     BEIJING, Nov. 9 — The country is cracking down on doping as part of efforts to create a fair and competitive environment ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the State drug authority said yesterday.     The head of policy and regulation department of the State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA), Yan Jiangying, announced the […]

Five express buslanes planned

    Shenzhen Daily: SHENZHEN plans to build five Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lanes by 2011 to ease public transport pressure.     The BRT is a bus service that runs in exclusive lanes with transit priority at traffic lights. It will connect subways and conventional bus transport within the city.     The five BRT lines will cover a total of […]


大学生体育中心设计方案之一。 大学生体育城位于龙岗区中心城的西区,距离市中心区15公里。这里依山傍水,神仙岭、铜鼓岭构成一道天然绿色屏障,龙口水库碧波荡漾,体育城点缀山水之间。大学生体育城周边区域道路交通网密集,四通八达,完全能够满足举办世界级大型运动会的交通需要。 大学生体育城占地13.7平方公里,集体育运动、居住、教育、文化、商业和旅游休闲为一体。大学生体育公园是体育城的重要组成部分,占地7平方公里,主要由大学生体育中心(包括主体育场、主体育馆、游泳馆等)、森林公园、水库、居住区等组成。在这里,体育与文化设施融入山水之间,人与自然互相交融。  


     李鸿忠李德成等市几套班子领导出席直播晚会欢庆申大成功。记者 岑志利 许业周 郑东升 摄 深圳申大成功!那一刻,现场一片欢腾!     大运官方网讯 在意大利都灵,1月17日凌晨2点30分,国际大体联宣布土耳其埃尔祖鲁姆获得2011年冬季世界大学生运动会的主办权。 深圳申大之历程 >>进入论坛 深圳新闻网时评:深圳人的“大运之梦”实现了!    1月17日凌晨2点45分,国际大体联宣布2011年第26届夏季世界大学生运动会主办权花落深圳 。现场一片欢腾,深圳市长许宗衡上台和国际大体联签署主办合约,现场出现“深圳拥抱世界”的横幅。    意大利都灵当地时间1月16日上午的申办陈述结束后,拥有投票权的国际大体联现任22名执委,在下午16时30分至17时30分,对深圳、喀山、波兹南、穆尔西亚、高雄5个申办城市以及马里博尔、埃尔祖鲁姆两个申办2011年冬季世界大学生运动会的城市,进行了讨论和投票。    2011年夏、冬季世界大学生运动会主办权的角逐,是大运会有史以来主办权竞争最为激烈的一次。申办2011年夏季世界大学生运动会的城市除了深圳以外,还有俄罗斯的喀山市、波兰的波兹南市、西班牙的穆尔西亚市、中国台湾的高雄市。    而斯洛文尼亚的马里博尔市与土耳其的埃尔祖鲁姆市则角逐2011年冬季世界大学生运动会的主办权。    深圳大运中心总体效果图  

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