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Sunday Mar 16, 2025

Remember the moment of success

Many excited Shenzhen residents got a chance to celebrate a victory of their own early this morning when Shenzhen was chosen as the host of the Summer Universiade in 2011. Chen Lu, world champion of figure skating is singing. Shenzhen leaders are waiting the result with students. Shenzhen wins. College students are excited. The press are […]

Spain beat Germany 1-0 to lift Euro 2008 title

 Spain’s players celebrate with the trophy after the Euro 2008 championships final between Germany and Spain in Vienna, Austria, on June 29, 2008. A first-half goal from Fernando Torres earned Spain the first UEFA European Championship in 44 years. (Xinhua/Guo Yong) Spain won the Euro 2008 title after beating Germany 1-0 in Ernst-Happel Stadion on […]

Service Telephone Numbers

The Municipal government (operator) Tel: (86-755) 82100000 The Municipal Public Security Bureau (directory inquiry) Tel: (86-755) 84463999 Traffic Police Bureau. (operator) Tel: (86-755) 84469000 The Municipal Bus Company (Operator) Tel: (86-755) 83333222 Shenzhen Railway Station inquiry office Tel: (86-755) 82328647 Shenzhen water Supply Group Co (for consultation) Tel: (86-755) 82137777 Booking office of Shenzhen Airlines […]

Invitation Letter for the Design Contest forthe Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade Mascot

    V. The Appraisal Committee of the Contest     5.1 The Executive Board will set up an Appraisal Committee in the Design Contest to appraise the submitted works. The Executive Board possesses the final decision-making right for the constitution, number or personnel adjustment of the Appraisal Committee members.     5.2 The Appraisal Committee will appraise […]


The Summer Universiade consists of 12 compulsory sports (Athletics – Basketball – Fencing – Football – Gymnastics – Judo – Swimming – Diving – Water Polo – Table Tennis – Tennis – Volleyball) and up to three optional sports chosen by the host country. The record figures are 7,805 participants in Izmir, Turkey in 2005 […]

Liu Rui wined the women's 72kg final

In taekwondo, Chinese Liu Rui defeated Belarus’ Alesia Charniuskaya 3-1 to win the women’s 72kg final where South Korean Jung Sun-Young and Turkey’s Mehtap Yalcin shared the bronze medals. “I’ve tried my best in the competitions, and the victory was not easy as it seemed,” Liu said, noting that all of the taekwondoists attending the Universiade […]

Bayern seal 21st Bundesliga title

    German soccer powerhouse Bayern Munich sealed the title of Bundesliga on Sunday after they secured a 0-0 draw at Wolfsburg. (Xinhua Photo)     BERLIN, May 4 (Xinhua) — German soccer powerhouse Bayern Munich sealed the title of Bundesliga on Sunday after they secured a 0-0 draw at Wolfsburg.     Bayern were not at their best in […]


    创造不拘一格的征集方式     “大运会吉祥物应该是一个大众情人。”当主持人刘丽华提到如何让吉祥物有影响力,让人们愿意购买的时候,刘平云这样说。话音刚落,台下的学生们就情不自禁笑了起来。     刘平云认为,吉祥物要扩大它的影响力让市民参与进来,要多做活动,尤其在大学生中间做活动,因为它毕竟是大学生运动会,在他们之间做一些互动、参与性的活动,才能了解他们心目中的“大众情人”是什么样的。主持人请台下两位深职院的学生谈谈心中的“大众情人”是什么样的,其中一位说,“造型要简单一些,里面要有一些具像的元素在里面,用色鲜艳一点、活力、有朝气。”另一位则认为,“我觉得要立足深圳文化的背景,挖掘一些有特色的东西。”     学生代表何沛鸿说,同学们对吉祥物也有过一些了解,不过大家并没有特别深的印象,深圳也没有代表性的东西,我觉得可以借此机会,通过吉祥物把深圳内在的精神状态通过吉祥物表达出来,这可以往更年轻、更有活力的方向发展,不必在里面强加文化精神、历史背景这样的话题,因为大运会毕竟是年轻人的盛会,应该让这个“大众情人”年轻有活力一些。     顾严华说,现在的吉祥物太多了,但真正能令市民愿意领回来的东西,一定要让人耳目一新。他还认为,吉祥物的产生还可以来一个颠覆性的模式,“不一定还是由某个人设计,然后专家评委再评,这样把征集途径缩得太小了,而且最后的评审专家是行业内的人士,他代表不了全民。”     刘平云接着提出了一种特别的征集方式,“不一定还停留在政府官员和专家们进行评选,我觉得这次可以发动大家的力量,第一环节让专家选出几百件放在网上,让市民投票参与,让市民选择自己的‘大众情人’。选完一圈以后发现有人气的,再进行专家的点评和修改,这样会准确一点。”     何沛鸿认为,让专家挑出一部分作品再让我们参与者选,支持不同作品的人发生争论,这样也会进一步提升人们对大运会的热度,也是一个宣传,总比等专家评完以后,我们再讨论吉祥物的好坏要好一些。     赋予吉祥物情感和生命力     “深圳是个年轻的,也是以高科技为特色的城市,所以我认为,吉祥物是否可以是智能化,突破以往模式的呢?”顾严华提出了一个有趣的问题。     “比如,我在高交会上发现这样的玩具:你去摸它,它能接受红外线的感应,还能接受不同力度的感应,它还会说话,甚至像机器人一样跟人互动。它不是一个纯粹的玩具,而是一个可升级的、非常轻松的玩偶。”顾严华提出这个想法。     于进江认为,从产品开发的角度看,确实可以侧重智能型产品的开发。“打破传统吉祥物只是摆在那儿不会发声的做法。深圳是科技非常发达的地方,我们呼吁更多的商家参与吉祥物的征集,开发一个好的吉祥物,会使更多从事加工的厂家从事自主性的生产,这也许会变成刺激深圳经济发展的一个元素。”     “我觉得还可以赋予吉祥物具有地方特色的内涵,让吉祥物来演绎深圳人的故事,”于进江认为,“比如吉祥物带你游大梅沙,带你去蛇口玩儿。随着故事的诞生,会产生一些动画片,然后出版书籍。我们可以借此给自己创造一种文化,这个过程完全可以由深圳人自己把握。”     主持人刘丽华还提到,2002年世界杯足球赛的吉祥物——来自太空的三个精灵,很多不喜欢足球的人都喜欢上了它们,而且世界杯结束以后,会场还保留着精灵雕塑,现在成了韩国的一个旅游景点,它们的生命还在延续。于进江认为,如果能征集到一个好的吉祥物,大家对它是有记忆情感的,“好的卡通形象和吉祥物,它既能体现一个社会的特征,同时又具有一定的美感,是有生命的。我不希望运动会结束以后吉祥物就消失了,这是挺可惜的。大家应该集思广益,赋予它生命,让它伴随着城市长期生活下去。现在,我们想到美国就想到米老鼠,想到日本就想到HelloKitty,想到香港就想到麦兜,希望以后提到深圳也会有这样一个‘娃娃’。这是城市的卡通视觉语言,也是大家的集体记忆。”  

Olympic torch to pass city landmarks

    The Beijing Olympic flame will arrive in Shenzhen tomorrow for a 41.6-kilometer, 10.5-hour tour of the city. The torch will be carried by a total of 208 bearers who will run past city landmarks and well-known tourist attractions in Shenzhen before reaching its destination at Shenzhen Stadium at 6 p.m.     (8 a.m.-9:15 a.m.)     From […]

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