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Monday Mar 17, 2025

Sports, a lifelong passion for Gallien

FOR Claude-Louis Gallien, now first vice president of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), his visit to Tokyo in 1967 was an unforgettable experience. That year Gallien, then a 25-year-old university athlete, participated in the Summer Universiade in Tokyo and won a medal in the hammer throw in front of 15,000 people. “I still kept […]

Capital of Design

The development of Shenzhen Design Industry gives a boost to the development of Hong Kong’s design industry, gradually forming some comparative advantages. Shenzhen boasts quite a lot of nationally influential or even internationally influential design elites, such as, graphic designers, Chen Shaohua, Han JIaying and Zhang Da, etc., who have long enjoyed a good reputation […]

Registrations start for govt. housing

Cai Yingbo REGISTRATIONS for government-subsidized apartments at subdistrict offices across the city will start today, one day after housing authorities released a list of the names of 6,471 families and the locations of the apartments available. The municipal land resources and housing management bureau said eligible families would be able to pick up notices at […]

SZ’s efficiency in preparing Universiade appreciated

ZHANG XINSHENG, China’s vice education minister, told the Shenzhen Daily yesterday that he appreciated Shenzhen’s efficiency in preparing for the 2011 Universiade. “I inspected your construction projects for the game and other preparation works such as launching a new Web site to promote the game. It’s amazing that the city can finish all these things […]

Retired cadres turn volunteers

A volunteer helps a retired cadre put on a volunteer’s uniform yesterday at the Bao’an Senior Cadres’ Center. Shenzhen’s first volunteer team, comprising retired cadres, was formed at the center yesterday enabling the former cadres to better serve society in their retirement. Qiu Haibin  

List of Foreign Financial Institutions

List of Foreign Financial Institutions Representative Offices Name Opening Time Address Shenzhen Representative Office of Credit Lyonnais SA Feb. 1985 Room 11, 31/F, Diwang Mansion Shenzhen Representative Office of Dah Sing Bank May 1993 Room 1505, Shenzhen Development Center Shenzhen Representative Office of Philippine National Bank Jan. 1996 Room 4001, International Trade Center Shenzhen Representative […]

The Landmark Hotel

The Landmark Hotel in Shenzhen is situated in the centre of the booming commercial and shopping district of Luo Hu. The Hotel is 30 minutes drive from Huang Gang (near the border with Hong Kong) and 5 minutes from Luo Hu train station. Baoan International Airport is just 40 minutes away. Located in the central […]


Every 5 mins a shift, auto-station alarm. Time: 6:30-22:30 Price for ordinary buses: RMB1, 1.5 or 2/person Price for air-conditioned buses: RMB2, 2.5 and or 3/person Most of the buses re auto ticket-selling, and some of the buses charge fees over sections. Subway lines Line — Major Stops

巅峰梦想登山活动启动 决战在哈巴雪山

    大运会官方网讯(记者 王佳)3月22日上午,梧桐山脚下春意正浓,随着一声发令枪响,一支人数近千,由身着红衣红帽的深大学生,招行客户及员工,F1摩托艇艇员等组成的登山队伍向梧桐山顶发起了冲刺,这次“招商银行CCTV巅峰梦想红动中国”全民健身登山活动由深圳第26届世界大学生夏季运动会组委会执行局、招商银行、CCTV科教节目制作中心、新浪网联合主办,将在全国30余个城市举行,各地海选出的优胜者将会在云南哈巴雪山进行登山技能决赛。      

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