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Monday Mar 17, 2025

Olympic Flame tours China's largest lake

 Torchbearer Daga displays the torch at the launching ceremony during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games torch relay in Qinghai Lake, northwest China’s Qinghai Province, on June 23, 2008.(Xinhua Photo) By Hu Ruoyu, Qian Rong The Olympic flame passed along the Qinghai Lake, China’s largest lake and a sacred lake in the heart of Tibetan people, […]

Chinese shuttlers make clean sweep

World No. 1’s Lin Dan and Xie Xingfang got their Olympic preparations off to a positive start with victories in the men’s and women’s singles finals as Chinese shuttlers swept all the titles at the Thailand Open in Bangkok on Sunday. Winner of back-to-back world titles in 2006 and 2007, Lin put in a solid […]


    蔚蓝的天际艳阳穿行、苍绿的地面清风飘掠,如此美好的天气着实让享受清明假期的人们多了一份快乐。可昨日,晴好天气在阳光的推助下却显得热情过度。中午,艳阳尽情挥洒热情,走在路上,只觉背部的灼热感一浪接一浪,密汗早已是爬满额头。傍晚时分,尽管阳光有所收敛,可地面仍隐约散发着阵阵余热,无风,空气闷热如夏。据市气象台预报,今天的天气与昨天几乎一样,气温22-29℃,中午前后阳光猛烈,太阳辐射等级可达四级,外出需注意防晒。     在偏南暖湿气流控制下,清明假期我市在温暖舒适的天气中度过。昨天我市仍然为晴间多云的天气,气温与前一天基本持平,早晨的最低气温为20.3℃,在阳光的照射下,白天的气温上升达到了28.9℃,这样的天气给人一种初夏的感觉。但早晨我市的雾气较重,部分地区出现了大雾,市气象台于6日早晨在全市陆地和海区发布了大雾黄色预警信号,全市最低能见度出现在妈湾港,能见度最低时仅有80米。太阳升起后,雾气逐渐消散,能见度明显好转。     新的一周又开始了,预计本周前期我市仍受偏南暖湿气流控制,晴好天气仍然持续,今明两天我市以多云天气为主,有轻雾或霾,早晨雾气较重,能见度较差,驾车请注意安全。     9日起我市晴朗天气结束,天空云量增多,逐渐转为多云有阵雨的天气,这样的降雨天气将持续到本周后期,但降雨的量级不大,全市大部分地区以小雨为主,由于降雨和云层的共同影响,气温会略降,最高气温将回落到23-24℃。(肖意 王明洁 邓思敏)  

Austria coach resigns after Euro 2008 exit

   Austrian national soccer team coach Josef Hickersberger looks at his chair during a news conference for the Euro 2008 soccer tournament in Stegersbach June 17, 2008. Hickersberger has announced his resignation after the co-hosts suffered a first round exited from Euro 2008, said local media on Tuesday. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo) Austria coach Josef Hickersberger has […]

Administration and Demographic Structure

Administration Shenzhen is a city in Guangdong Province administered by the Guangdong Provincial Government. It is also a vice-provincial city directly administered by the Central Government. The Shenzhen Special Economic Zone is within the city’s administration. The Shenzhen Municipal Government governs six districts. Luohu, Futian, Nanshan and Yantian districts are within the Special Economic Zone, […]

Czech striker Koller moves to Samara

Czech striker Jan Koller has transferred from FC Nuremberg to Russia’s Soviet Wings Samara, Koller’s manager Pavel Paska said on Monday. Koller, 35, signed an 18-month contract with a one-year option with Samara, the Czech news agency CTK quoted Paska as saying. Nuremberg was relegated from the German Bundesliga and its management recently announced it […]

World Olympic Culture Exhibition opens in Shenyang

 Citizens look at the model of National Stadium known as the bird’s nest during the World Olympic Culture Exhibition which was opened Monday in Shenyang, capital of northeast China’s Shenyang Province, June 23, 2008. The touching memories of the past Olympic Games were showcased through the photos, videos, articles, miniatures,4D images and so forth. (Xinhua […]


    大运官网讯 近日,敦煌研究院以“奥运的引力,敦煌的魅力”为主题,在莫高窟推出了与体育项目相关的22幅敦煌壁画图展览。奥运圣火将于7月5日在敦煌开始甘肃站的传递。图为展览展出的第85窟“晚唐火炬手”图(7月2日摄)。 新华社记者连振祥摄     近日,敦煌研究院以“奥运的引力,敦煌的魅力”为主题,在莫高窟推出了与体育项目相关的22幅敦煌壁画图展览。奥运圣火将于7月5日在敦煌开始甘肃站的传递。图为展览展出的第249窟西魏时期的倒立图(7月2日摄)。 新华社记者连振祥摄  

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