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Monday Mar 17, 2025

Angolan hoopers leaves for Spain

The Angolan men’s basketball team left here on Saturday evening for Spain for a 20-day training program to prepare for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games set for August this year in China. After its training program in Spain, the Angolan men’s basketball team will also fly to China to compete in the Borislav Stancovik Cup […]


南山区举办2008“创业之星”大赛 胜出者将获百万奖金和巨额风险投资 大运官网讯 在昨日(7月2日)举行的“南山2008‘创业之星’大赛”新闻发布会上,南山区科技局局长朱建平向南山企业发出倡议—— “只要你的企业在南山区,成立一年以上,有良好的创业项目、产品或服务,有一定的前瞻性和创新性,具备发展潜力,年销售额3000万以内,来吧,参加南山2008“创业之星”大赛,一旦获奖,南山区为企业提供向世界展示的平台,并将获得高达百万奖金和风险投资家的巨额投资。” 记者了解到,“创业之星”大赛由深圳市科技信息局、深圳市高新办和南山区人民政府联合主办,南山风险投资俱乐部和深圳“接触”创业沙龙承办。组委会成员由大批的风险投资界的专家与学者组成,主要考察创业者的经历,企业所处行业的竞争情况和发展势头,企业的核心竞争力等内容。大赛设一、二、三等奖各1名,优胜奖7名,被评为“创业之星”的企业,将获得南山区风险投资基金不少于100万人民币的奖励,南山区政府将奖励企业50万的研发资金,风险投资机构30万的奖励资助,大批风险投资机构的重点考察。获奖企业还将获得参加由企业邦传媒主办的DEMOCHINA2008总决赛资格,并成为南山“接触”创业沙龙和南山风险投资俱乐部的VIP会员。 据介绍,从昨天开始,组委会接受报名,大赛分初赛、复赛、2008中国天使投资高峰会、决赛等系列活动,组委会还将对参选企业进行全程的辅导及培训。 朱建平告诉记者,南山区被喻为创业者的乐土中的乐土,通过此次大赛,一方面发掘出创业乐土中的良种,发现高科技领域内的未来新星,并将新星培育成未来的科技巨人;另一方面,吸引全国、亚太乃至全球风险投资家的眼球,扶持南山高科技企业的发展,促进南山高科技业的发展。(记者 王剑锋 通讯员 黄小荣)  

Tsonga stuns Nadal toreach final

    SECOND-RANKED Rafael Nadal was dominated in stunning fashion in Melbourne on Thursday by unheralded Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, who reached the Australian Open men’s singles final with a 6-2, 6-3, 6-2 victory. Tsonga stuns Nadal toreach final  DATA: 2008-01-25 France’s Jo-Wilfried Tsonga pumps his fist during his semifinal match against Spain’s Rafael Nadal at the Australian Open […]

Venus, Sharapova go through at Wimbledon

 Maria Sharapova of Russia serves to Stephanie Foretz of France during their match at the Wimbledon championships in London June 24, 2008. (Reuters Photo) Defending champion Venus Williams of the United States eliminated British wildcarder Naomi Cavaday to reach the second round of the Wimbledon tennis tournament on Tuesday, together with 2004 champion Maria Sharapova […]


    大运会官方网讯 “点燃我心中圣火”深圳市“可口可乐”奥运火炬手候选人揭晓仪式昨天上午在金光华广场举行,奥运冠军郭晶晶作为奥运火炬手选拔活动的形象代言人,见证了5名深圳“可口可乐”奥运火炬手和3名护跑手的诞生。从上万提名人选中脱颖而出的王金云、陈建林、李樱樱和高正荣4名深圳市“可口可乐”奥运火炬手候选人,以及中学生奥运火炬手候选人高英慧和3名护跑手一起在承诺书上庄严签名。奥运圣火将于明年5月抵达广东,届时他们每人都将手持“祥云”火炬,护送奥运圣火向“鸟巢”推进200米的距离。     几位火炬手均表示,一定会用最饱满的热情跑完人生中最有意义的200米,并将一如既往地广泛宣扬奥林匹克精神,为社会贡献出自己更多的光和热。(深圳特区报 记者郑东升摄)  

Citizens are proud of Shenzhen

Many excited Shenzhen residents got a chance to celebrate a victory of their own early this morning when Shenzhen was chosen as the host of the Summer Universiade in 2011. The city has no doubt become well-known worldwide as an “overnight boomtown” following more than two decades of red-hot industrialization and urbanization. But Shenzhen knows […]

Invitation Letter for the Design Contest forthe Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade Mascot

Holding Ideas for the Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade     The 26-year-old Shenzhen won the host right for the 26th Summer Universiade on Jan. 17th, 2007.     The Universiade will stress the concept of “innovation and future”, take the “young city, harmonious event” as the main tune, try best to create a “Shenzhen miracle” for the Universiade, and […]

Invitation Letter for the Design Contest forthe Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade Mascot

    XI. Laws     The rules for the Design Contest shall be explained in line with laws of the People’s Republic of China.     XII. Others     12.1 The Rules and its attachments will be published both in Chinese and English versions. If there is any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.     […]

Wuzhou Guest House

  Situated right in the center of Futian district, Shenzhen, Wuzhou Guest House is the main hotel in the city to host foreign guests. Excellent location, courteous service and extensive facilities make Wuhzhou Guest House the best choice for accommodation, for dinner, for shopping, for entertainment and for doing business city-wide. Address: No.6001, Shennan Rd., […]

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