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Wednesday Mar 19, 2025

City to seek foreign advisers

SHENZHEN plans to set up a panel comprising top-notch foreign experts as advisers in the city’s drive to build an international metropolis, the city government said in a statement issued yesterday. In the statement that listed measures to build Shenzhen into a “model city,” the government promised to listen more to the foreign professionals before […]

Water Supply Repair

Luohu District Tel: (86-755) 25402807, 25414658 Futian District Tel: (86-755) 83401574, 83408954 Longgang District Tel: (86-755) 28831999 Baoan District Tel: (86-755) 27492661 Shangbu Tel: (86-755) 82439877 Nanshan District Tel: (86-755) 26660585 Shatoujiao Tel: (86-755) 25552445 Shekou Tel: (86-755) 26882835  

Zhang Xinsheng re-elected as FISU vice president

Zhang Xinsheng, China’s Vice Minister of Education, was re-elected as the vice president of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) here on Sunday at FISU’s 30th General Assembly. Zhang, 59, was first elected as the vice president of FISU in the year 2003 on the occasion of 2003 Summer Universiade in Daegu, South Korea. Prior […]


    与前天的天气相仿,昨天,暗灰的天幕下,阴雨绵绵,伴着丝丝弱冷空气,身子感到凉飕飕的。恼人的东北风昨天在上空竟凑了一天的“热闹”。在其“助威”下,尽管下午下班时分降雨停歇,可是袭面的冷意却更甚于早上。据市气象台的消息说,今天我市的天气不会出现明显的好转,以小雨天气为主。最低气温在16℃左右,白天的气温较昨天会有所上升,但也仅有19℃左右。空气潮湿,相对湿度可达75-90%。天气较为清凉,请市民朋友们注意适量增添衣物。     昨天我市阴雨天气持续,全市普降小雨,国家气候观象台记录到2.9毫米的雨量,全市最大降水出现在正坑水库,为5.1毫米。在弱冷空气影响和降雨的共同作用下,昨天我市气温较低,早晨的最低气温为16.5℃,白天气温也维持在17℃左右,在强劲东北风的吹拂下,感觉甚是阴冷。     由于近期降雨频繁,我市的空气质量较好,预计今天我市的空气污染指数为30-50,空气质量为优等。这样的阴雨天气将持续到明天,清明节开始我市的天气将会逐渐好转,转为局部有雨和轻雾天气,部分时间能见度会较差,5-6日我市以多云到少云天气为主,阳光充足,气温大幅回升,中午前后气温较高,预计最低气温在23℃左右,最高气温可达29℃,空气湿度明显下降,天气干燥,请注意防火。     (肖意 王明洁 邓思敏)  

Williams vs. Williams again

DEFENDING champion Venus Williams beat Elena Dementieva 6-1, 7-6 (3) to advance to the Wimbledon final yesterday, setting up a potential championship matchup with sister Serena. Venus Williams, a four-time Wimbledon winner, overpowered the fifth-seeded Russian in the first set and then prevailed in an error-filled tiebreaker to improve her record to 7-0 in semifinals […]

China gives thumbs up to Thai Universiade

BANGKOK, Aug. 7 (Xinhua) — Thai organizers of the World University Games in Bangkok did a good job in staging the Games, said a Chinese senior official here on Tuesday. Zhang Xinsheng, the re-elected vice-president of the International University Sports Federation, said the Chinese athletes and officials were satisfied with their life in the village. […]

Contemporary art to be taken to a new high

Elsa Wen Newman Huo ART entrepreneur Elsa Wen, who owns the private When Gallery in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, plans to promote Guangdong contemporary art at home and abroad. In cooperation with Art de Vivre in the Shenzhen Sculpture Academy (SZSA), Wen, 30, is staging a special exhibition in her gallery in the SZSA through June […]


詹姆斯(左三)立志北京奥运会夺金 新华社记者侯俊摄     大运官网讯 四年前的雅典奥运会,还是菜鸟的“小皇帝”詹姆斯在板凳席上目睹了美国男篮走下神坛。四年后,詹姆斯率美国男篮卷土重来,他希望在他的带领下,美国男篮能重返世界之巅。 詹姆斯在接受法新社采访时,回忆起雅典奥运会的失望之旅:“四年前,我基本上是在板凳上度过的。我不能按照我的方式打球。” 随后,小皇帝展望了即将开幕的北京奥运会:”我现在很激动,队友们都十分出色,并且训练得十分努力。我们有一群求胜心极强的球员,科比、安东尼、韦德,替补队员们同样十分出色。我们还有一个优秀的教练老K,他允许我们在我们一定的范围内,自由发挥。我们的球队将很难被击败。今年,我们将会得到奥运会的冠军。”(中新网7月3日电)  

Tamarine, Zheng fly flag for Asia

Second-seeded Jelena Jankovic was ousted in straight sets in the fourth round by Tamarine Tanasugarn Monday, leaving the women’s draw without its top three ranked players. Jankovic’s 3-6, 2-6 loss means that none of the top three women reached the quarterfinals — the first time that’s happened at a grand slam tournament in the Open […]

Party chief hears people’s concerns

Cai Yingbo SHENZHEN Party chief Liu Yupu had direct communication with local residents focusing on topics relating to people’s livelihood such as education, medicare and housing prices on a call-in radio program yesterday. During the one-hour program, residents expressed their concerns over high property prices, high school fees and a shortage of school places, price […]

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