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Thursday Mar 20, 2025

Vote for 26th Universiade logo

Passengers aboard China Southern Airlines Flight 3997 which flies from Shenzhen to Changsha, capital city of Central China’s Hunan Province, vote Sunday for their favorite logo of the 26th Universiade to be held in Shenzhen. China Southern has recently asked passengers on some of its domestic flights to vote for the logo of their choice. Wang Hongtao     […]

Significant drop in use of plastic bags

Jane Lai FEWER plastic bags are being used by shoppers at supermarkets and department stores in Shenzhen after the ban forbidding businesses from offering free plastic bags to customers took effect June 1. “The number of plastic bags consumed in our supermarkets reduced by roughly 80 percent in June, but the consumption of plastic bags […]

Low-profile China eyes Universiade first gold

BANGKOK, Aug. 7 (Xinhua) — The Chinese athletics team kept low-key for gold medal hopes at the 24th Universiade, due to the absence of world-class athletes, including the renowned “Flying Spectacles Man” Hu Kai. Hu Kai, the men’s 100 meters champion at the 23rd Universiade, announced his absence to Bangkok earlier last month, owing to […]


市领导与驻深记协负责人座谈时表示要进一步为驻深记者采访提供便利 感谢中央和省主要媒体关心支持深圳发展 大运官网讯 市委常委、宣传部长王京生昨日在五洲宾馆与驻深记协负责人座谈。受市委书记刘玉浦和市长许宗衡的委托,王京生代表市委市政府感谢中央、省主要媒体长期以来对深圳的关心与支持,表示将进一步加强与各媒体的沟通联系,进一步为各媒体在深圳的采访活动提供便利,共同做好改革开放三十周年、抗震救灾对口支援、努力建设中国特色社会主义示范市等重大新闻报道工作。 据不完全统计,上半年,中央、省主要媒体涉深报道超过1万篇,全面深入反映了我市进一步解放思想学习讨论活动取得的成效,对我市改革创新的重大举措、举办文博会、筹办大运会以及抗击低温雨雪冰冻灾害、支援抗震救灾工作等都予以浓墨重彩的报道。 王京生指出,中央、省主要媒体历来对深圳厚爱有加,选派精兵强将报道深圳,深圳的发展离不开中央、省主要媒体的大力支持。在今年这个特殊年份里,各媒体对深圳的报道尤显重要。在纪念改革开放30周年之际,中央、省主要媒体应该成为深圳发展历程最好的总结者之一。中央、省媒体驻深机构负责人基于对这座城市的深深了解,又是从全国、全省角度来审视深圳,其报道应该成为这座城市值得珍惜的理性声音。他强调,深圳将一如既往地做好各媒体在深圳采访的服务工作,为记者采访活动尽可能提供便利,同时将进一步加强新闻发布、信息沟通的时效性和针对性。他对驻深记协的工作予以高度肯定,指出驻深记协充分发挥行业组织的作用,在沟通各媒体与党委政府、促进行业自律、提高业务水平方面做了大量工作,成效显著。他希望驻深记协进一步规范化,充分发挥宣传者、策划者、组织者、推动者的作用,为各成员单位提供更好的服务,也为报道好深圳多作贡献。 驻深记协主席胡谋介绍了驻深记协的工作情况。成立于2001年的驻深记协是中央、省驻深新闻工作者自愿组成的人民团体。今年以来,该协会在内部制度建设、组织联合采访报道、加强行业自律、提高业务素质方面均有长足进步。胡谋表示,下一步驻深记协将围绕纪念改革开放30周年认真开展选题策划,组织采访报道,同时对深圳支援灾区重建、举办第十届高交会等也将全力配合。 座谈会由市委宣传部副部长宣柱锡主持。驻深记协的负责人参加了会议。 (申迅)  

Rio de Janeiro launches bid for Olympic Games

The major of Rio de Janeiro Cesar Maia transferred 500,000 U.S. dollars on Monday to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to launch its bid for the Olympic Summer Games in 2016. During a public event, where the transfer authorization was signed, Maia said that the payment proves that government’s compromise, in all its levels, with […]

Shenzhen Felicity Hotel

Shenzhen Felicity Hotel is a five-star commercial conference hotel, joined with single brand the largest hotel chain in the world—Best Western hotel group. With favorable geological situation, overlooking the border into Hong Kong, it is very close with Luohu Inspection Building and Shenzhen train station. The highest quality of hotel is formed with European construction […]

Man to donate hand-crafted piano to SZ Museum

Wang Kailuo relates how to make the piano by hand. Yu Hairong A HOME-MADE piano will be donated to the Shenzhen Museum by Wang Kailuo who spent seven years making it, yesterday’s Shenzhen Special Zone Daily reported. “This piano can help record some life memories of us ordinary residents during China’s reform and opening-up drive. […]

The air is so clean here

University Sports Federation Secretary General of U.A.E. Omar A. Al Hai: The air is so clean here. Dr. Omar A. Al Hai, University Sports Federation Secretary General, was so excited to find his apartment in a picture at the display hall of ZTE Corporation yesterday morning at the Shenzhen Hi-tech Industrial Park. “Look! This is […]

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