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Thursday Mar 20, 2025

World University Games

The Universiade is an important international sporting and cultural festival staged every two years. Governed by the International University Sports Federation (FISU), the aim of the Universiade is to promote international peace and cultural exchange among young people through sport. The word Universiade comes from university and Olympiad, and means Olympic Games for students. The […]

Invitation Letter for the Design Contest forthe Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade Mascot

    Application Form for the Design Contest for the Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade Qualifications Commitment Letter (Individual)     This natural person (hereinafter referred to as “the promisee”) makes the following commitments to the Executive Board of the Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade (hereinafter referred to as “the Executive Board”) in terms of the qualifications for the Design […]

Ports and Transportation

Shenzhen has the most ports, the largest entry-and-exit passenger volume and the largest vehicle volume in China. It is the sole city in China with sea, air and land ports. Sea, Air and Land Ports Shenzhen has built 17 outbound ports, of which 12 are first-class ports approved by the State Council. They include China’s […]

Universiade to ‘Start Here’

    SHENZHEN had chosen “Start Here” as the catchphrase of the 2011 Universiade, according to a conference at the Citizens’ Center on Thursday. It is a combination of two contributions. One was “We start here” by He Zhi’an, a Guangzhou resident, and the other was “Let’s start here” by Tan Xiaohui, a student from Nanchang […]

Germany needs more quality

Germany performed as well as anyone could have hoped by reaching the Euro 2008 final but until coach Joachim Loew finds a little more quality it is unlikely to win its first major title since 1996. The German defense was known to be the team’s greatest liability and it was torn apart by the smooth […]

Russia completes last eight lineup

RUSSIA set up a Euro 2008 quarterfinal with coach Guus Hiddink’s native Netherlands after a deserved 2-0 win over Sweden in Group D on Wednesday completed the lineup for the last eight. Russia completes last eight lineup  DATA: 2008-06-20 Russia’s Roman Pavlyuchenko (L) vies for the ball with Sweden’s Petter Hansson in Innsbruck, Austria, on […]

祥云飘天际 风雷近又闻

    昨天的气温再创今年以来的新高。在弱高压脊的控制下,昨天早晨起我市天空的云层逐渐散去,完全变成了阳光的舞台,湛蓝的天空飘着的朵朵白云根本挡不住猛烈的阳光。我市的气温是迅速上升,到上午11时,全市的气温已普遍在31℃左右。随后气温缓慢上升,最终竹子林是记录到32.1℃的最高气温,柏油路面的最高气温也在64℃,昨天也就成为今年以来最为炎热的一天。不只是气温高,而且昨天炎热持续的时间也特别长,从上午11点一直到下午4点,气温大都在31℃以上,对长时间户外活动着实是个考验。好在空气较为干燥,昨天白天相对湿度在55-75%之间,人体感觉并不闷。     昨天的能见度充分展示海滨城市深圳的洁净与美丽。虽然昨天早晨还是有些轻雾,但随着地面气温的上升,能见度是实现三级跳,10公里、20公里、到中午前后上升到30公里。与之相配合的是昨天的空气质量等级为优。     这样晴热的天气持续不了多长时间了。预计受弱冷空气和切变线的影响,我市今天上午多云,最高气温30℃左右,午后转雷阵雨,夜间至10日白天有中到大雨,局部暴雨,并伴有短时雷雨大风,气温最低下降到22℃。周日到下周初随后降雨减弱消失,我市转为多云天气,气温上升,天气再度变得炎热。(彭勇刚)  

New vice mayors appointed

    Cai Yingbo     Xu Qin, member of the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the CPC, and Li Feng, the city’s former police chief, were elected vice mayors by the city’s top legislators Friday.     Xu was the former director of High Tech Agency of National Development and Reform Commission before he was appointed a […]

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