ORDINARY AUSF GENERAL ASSEMBLY Shenzhen – P. R. China – July 15, 2007 GENERAL PROGRAM Friday 13 July 2007 All Day Arrival of delegates Registration Saturday 14 July 2007 Before 15:00 Arrival of delegates Registration Sunday 15 July 2007 Morning Free 14:00 – 17:30 Executive Committee Meeting 18:00 Welcome Dinner Monday 16 July 2007 09:00 […]
Universiade official: We are willing to suffer with appreciation
Santiparb Tejavanija(C), director of the Athletes Village Management Office of Universiade Bangkok 2007, answers questions in a press conference at the main press center (MPC) of the 24th Universiade in Bangkok, capital of Thailand, Aug. 4, 2007. According the the Organizing Committee of the 24th Universiade, more than 160 countries and regions will attend the […]
Mohd Wahid Bin Samsudin:Shenzhen gains experience from Beijing Olympics
Mohd Wahid Bin Samsudin, president of Malaysian University Sports Federation “I believe the 2011 Universiade held by Shenzhen will come well. ” said Mohd Wahid Bin Samsudin President of Malaysia University Sports Federation after he arrived in Shenzhen Saturday afternoon. “The city has a lot of volunteers to serve for the event. It is Shenzhen’s […]
Immigrators embrace Beijing Olympic torch with enthusiasm
One minute of silence observed for the victims of the deadly May 12 earthquake that hit Sichuan province before the Beijing Olympic torch relay kicks off in heavy rains in Wanzhou, Chongqing, Southwestern China Sunday morning. (Xinhua Photo) “I keep physical exercises one to two hours daily,” said Xia Qingcheng who cheered for the torch […]
2001 Summer Universiade Mascot
21st Summer Universiade Beijing, China – August 22nd to September 1st, 2001 Name: LALA History: The Yangtze crocodile is one of China’s most treasured animals. It is named “Lala”, meaning “cheer on”. The Crocodile, the living fossil, symbolizes China’s march into the new century. An active, lovely, humorous and friendly cartoon character that is full […]
1985 Summer Universiade Mascot
13th Summer Universiade Kobe, Japan – August 24th to September 4th, 1985 Name: UNITAN Artist: Osamu Tezuka History: The mascot of the Kobe Universiade is a red-crested white crane which is symbolic of Japan. From olden times it has been considered to be a bird of good omen. The crane flying dynamically with large wings […]
Hall of Fame: Yao Ming
Yao Ming Birthdate: 9/12/80 NBA Position: Center Team: Shanghai Sharks Education: Shanghai Sports College Ht: 7-5 Wt: 295 Hometown: Shanghai, China Yao Ming (Chinese: 姚明; Pinyin: Yao Ming) (born September 12, 1980, in Shanghai, China) is a Chinese professional basketball player and one of the premier centers in the National Basketball Association (NBA). He is […]
Chinese female walker Jiang wins Bangkok Universiade first gold
(Jiang Qiuyan from China clinched the first gold medal of the 24th Universiade on Thursday in women’s 20km walk. Jiang defended her title with a time of 1:35:22 in Ayutthaya Province, Bangkok.(Xinhua Photo)
1995 Winter Universiade Mascot
17th Winter Universiade Jaca, Spain – February 18th to 26th, 1995 Name: MASKI Artist: Chema Galan, Ana Bendicho Romero & Jesus Gomez Luesia History: The basic idea used to design the mascot was based on an attempt to humanize the Pyrenean mastiff (dog breed) and the final result was the birth of ‘Maski’ . The […]
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