On the morning of June 28 local time, the Shenzhen delegation inspected Belgrade’s Universiade Village and the main stadium for the opening and closing ceremonies. After the trip, Liang Daoxing, the chief of the executive board for Shenzhen Universiade, said,“As far as we see here, Shenzhen has confidence to surpass Belgrade.” At the Universiade Village, […]
Category: Information
City to take custody of Universiade flag
SHENZHEN will take possession of the Universiade flag at the closing ceremony of the 25th Universiade in Belgrade this July, a press conference was told yesterday. On behalf of the city, Wang Rong, acting mayor of Shenzhen, will receive the Universiade flag from George E. Killian, president of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), on […]
The Universiade Cultural Cycling Team on the Campus of Wuhan University
In the morning, May 7, the Universiade cultural cycling team had a starting ceremony for their trip around Hubei Province. On the occasion, Mr. Li Wenxin, Vice president of Wuhan University said, “We encourage students to have one or two favorite sports. In […]
The Universiade Cultural Cycling Team on the Campus of Wuhan University
In the morning, May 7, the Universiade cultural cycling team had a starting ceremony for their trip around Hubei Province. On the occasion, Mr. Li Wenxin, Vice president of Wuhan University said, “We encourage students to have one or two favorite sports. In […]
The Universiade Cultural Cycling Team on the Campus of Central China Normal University
The Universiade cultural cycling team held the Universiade institution forum with Central China Normal University students, in the afternoon, May 6, in Ninth Buidling on the campus. Mr. Ma Ming, President of Central China Normal University was at the forum on the Universiade cycling experience. Two cyclists, Yu Yue from Beijing University and Zhou Ziqian […]
The Universiade Cultural Cycling Team Pays Homage to Former Residence of Zhu Geliang
The Universiade cultural cycling team came into Hubei province, Central China, which marks a turning point on their trip from the Northern China to the Southern China. In the afternoon, May 3, all team members paid a visit to Former Residence of Zhu Geliang in Xiangfan City, where the world–famous Zhu Geliang used to […]
The Universiade Cultural Cycling Team in Xi'an Jiaotong University
Before the Universiade cultural cycling team came into Xi’an Jiaotong University , they didn’t know what startling and inspiring news right there waiting for them, which was later declared by Mr. Zheng Nanning, President of Xi’an Jiaotong University. That is, the members […]
Cultural Cycling Team’s close show to the Terra – Cotta Warriors
On the morning of May 30, the cyclists of the Universiade came from Xi’an Sports University to the foot of Lishan Mountain, where the world – renowned terra – cotta warriors of Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum stands. What a hard-won opportunity to get close to the Terra – cotta Warriors! Right in front […]
Universiade Starts in Jakovo
Universiade competitions start on June 30th, a day before the official opening ceremony of Universiade Belgrade 2009, with men’s and women’s football matches. There are 16 matches scheduled for the first competition day. At FC Srem stadium in Jakovo, football teams of Brazil and Thailand are to meet at 10:30 am. The Thai football team […]
人力资源部培训组主任 主要岗位职责: 1. 负责大运会培训工作的综合管理; 2. 负责编制大运会培训方案、培训计划并组织实施; 3. 负责制定大运会各类培训政策与规定; 4. 负责编制培训年度预算及培训经费的执行,督查执行局各部室培训预算的执行; 5. 统筹管理执行局各部室专项业务培训计划的执行; 6. 组织实施各类通用培训; 7. 组织开发培训机构、培训课程、培训师资,组织编写培训教材; 8. 负责培训组团队的日常管理; 9. 完成领导交办的其它事务。 任职资格: 1.本科以上学历,专业不限。 2.30-45岁,具有5年以上培训管理等人力资源相关工作经验,2年以上管理岗位工作经验; 3.有较强的组织管理能力,能够独立开展业务,管理团队; 4.有良好的开拓思维和逻辑思维,能创造性地组织和开展工作; 5.强有力的沟通协调能力和资源整合能力,精炼的语言表达方式和精湛的演讲技能; 6.有大型综合性活动工作人员培训管理工作经验者优先。 月薪约9400元(含工资、福利等) 大型活动策划部火炬活动运作经理 职位描述 主要岗位职责: 1、负责火炬设计创意征集活和评选活动; 2、负责火炬传递活动方案征集和评选活动; 3、负责火炬传递活动方案的落实和实施; 4、评估火炬传递活动各项风险,拟订风险控制预案; 5、领导交办的其他事项。 任职资格: 1、28-45岁,具有至少5年传媒或大型活动组织策划从业经验,1年以上管理岗位工作经验; 2、具有国际化视野和本土化情结,对大运会和深圳有极强的认同感; 3、策划能力强,创意独特,能根据要求提出响应方案; 4、文案撰写能力优秀,独立负责操作过3个以上大型活动项目; 5、强有力的沟通协调能力和资源整合能力,能迅速有效组建活动执行团队; 6、具有主动、包容的心态和合作力,团队沟通与协作力强; 7、新闻传播、电视电影、活动策划类专业优先。 l 招聘流程: l 应聘须知: 1.本次招聘人员为企业化管理性质的工作人员,与执行局签订劳动合同,在2011年大运会结束后以执行局推荐与自谋职业相结合的方式再次择业。 2.执行局承诺对应聘者信息保密,应聘材料及相关复印件恕不退回。应聘者对个人填报信息及提供材料的真实性负责,如与事实不符,执行局有权取消其考试资格和聘用资格。 3.为保持信息的及时,请您保持通信方式畅通;对于未达到要求的应聘者,执行局不另行通知,敬请谅解。 4.为保证工作秩序,谢绝未经通知者直接上门拜访求职,不便之处,请谅解。 l 联系我们 […]