Vote for your favorite logo design and you will have opportunities to win: A special prize – a free Europe tour The first Universiade prize – a 10-day tour in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand by two people The second Universiade prize – a 6-day tour of Dali and Lijiang in Yunnan Province by four […]
Category: Information
Treasurer Danzandorj BAYASGALAN (MGL) Born in Ulaanbaatar on July 28th, 1968. Married, two children. Education Graduated from the Engineering Dept. of the Technical University of Mongolia Business Management Master’s Degree from Maastricht University Career President of Golomt Bank since 1995 Sports Career tennis basketball volleyball hiking Sports Administration Founder and Board Member NUSF (MSSF) 1989-1996 […]
Shenzhen 2011 Summer Universiade: 11 Entries of Game Logos
Candidates Happy U Drip City of Wonders, City of Dreams, Sharing Wonders Sky-blue Ball Shenzhen: Exceed Passion, Vanguard, Good Will five Stars of Universiade Starfish Shenzhen Hand in Hand Seashore, Wave, Wishes, Shenzhen, Universiade
Notice of Open Selection of Personnel for the 26th Summer Universiade
Please Landings : Tel : 0755 – 82107100
Volunteers wanted for 2011 Universiade
Cai Yingbo THE recruitment of volunteers for the 2011 Universiade will start next month, Shenzhen Vice Mayor Liang Daoxing said at a promotion for the Shenzhen Universiade in Beijing on Sunday. The volunteers will fall into four categories according to the type of service. They will include volunteers to promote Universiade culture and Shenzhen’s image, […]
大运会执行局专职副局长赵广华出席活动并讲话 大运会执行局志愿者部负责人蔡艺芳主持活动仪式 大运会执行局专职副局长赵广华(中)、大运会执行局志愿者部负责人蔡艺芳(左一)与志愿者代表合影 大运会官方网讯 为加强骨干志愿者的团队协作精神,培养责任感、组织协调能力和应变能力,增强志愿者队伍的凝聚力,7月25日下午,深圳大运会执行局组织首批赛会志愿者在笔架山公园开展了户外拓展训练,大运会执行局专职副局长赵广华、大运会执行局志愿者部负责人蔡艺芳及市教育局等有关领导出席了活动。 赵广华代表大运会执行局对冒着酷暑、牺牲周末休息时间前来接受培训的志愿者们表示充分的赞赏和亲切的问候,他指出,一届成功的大运会离不开一群出色的志愿者,随着大运会进入“深圳时间”,志愿者的各项工作也逐渐加快了步伐。如何提升志愿者的服务水平,如何给来自世界各地的宾朋留下美好的印象,培训工作起着非常重要的作用,他勉励志愿者积极参与各项各类培训活动,努力提升志愿者的综合素质。 志愿者们正在进行小组拓展培训 参加此次训练的近500名骨干志愿者被分成5个大组,分别以欢乐“UU”组、开放“UU”组、包容“UU”组、青春“UU”组和未来“UU”组命名,首先,各组共同协作完成如鼓舞人心、团队车轮、动力火车、珠行万里、圣圈传递等小组任务,然后所有志愿者通力协作,共同拼绘出大运会的标志“欢乐的U”。许多志愿者表示,通过此次活动学习到了团队合作的重要性,也增强了他们的团队荣誉感,同时也增强了分析问题解决问题的能力。 随着世界大运会进入“深圳时间”,志愿者的培训工作也已全面启动。据悉,大运会执行局志愿者部已进行了通用知识培训及户外拓展训练,年内还将组织深圳历史文化、志愿服务基础理论、志愿服务技能等培训,全面提升骨干志愿者的综合素质,为服务大运会打下良好的基础。(通讯员 李香善)
Local Flavors and Delicacies
Shenzhen is a promising and burgeoning migration city, so people coming from different places bring along their own favorite cooking techniques and delicacies. The catering industry is flourishing in Shenzhen with more than 10000 catering and entertainment places, an ideal place for the genuine food lovers and connoisseurs from all over the world. Even a […]
Volunteer is Good Assistant
The Universiade volunteers will most certainly become Serbian newest brand. FISU officials and media people could not hide their enthusiasm about volunteers, their youthful spirit, kindness and spontaneous friendliness. 8000 young people headed by Damir Stainer and Natasa Jankovic have given their contribution to the Universiade Belgrade 2009. It turned out that their contribution was […]
新华网贝尔格莱德7月1日消息(记者肖阳 韩琳)贝尔格莱德大运村是完全新建的一片居住区,是完全独立的一块区域,距离市中心大约10到15分钟车程。大运村里大约有20座左右的宿舍楼,宿舍楼是用各种花卉命名的。中国代表团所住的17号楼高13层,是以丁香花(syringa)命名的。 中国代表团的团部就在17号楼的一层,团部门外挂了一排国旗,还有中国大体协的旗帜。团部办公室给人的最大印象就是小,估计只能容纳6、7个人。 办公室正面对着大门的墙壁上挂了一面鲜红的五星红旗,既庄严又亲切。办公室的设施非常简单,大大的长条桌上摆了几台笔记本电脑、此外就是打印机和水壶了。
中国大运代表团抵贝尔格莱德 多件行李未能当日提取
大运会官方网讯 新华网贝尔格莱德6月27日体育专电(记者单磊)27日抵达塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德机场的中国大运会代表团一行56人的70多件行李未能当日提取。 中国代表团团部官员、媒体记者和女足代表队北京时间26日深夜从北京出发,途经土耳其伊斯坦布尔转机。抵达贝尔格莱德之后,大部分代表团成员的行李都没有取到 。 机场方面给出的理由是飞机货舱有一个舱门打不开,里面几乎全部是中国代表团的行李。而飞机需要回伊斯坦布尔修理,预计要第二天才能将行李带回来。