项目管理实战培训 2009-09-30 来源: 大运官网 编辑: 薛建华 赛事场馆 大运中心体育场 大运之城 更多 深圳经济特区建立 30周年纪念园竣工
Author: sz2011org
英语交流晚会学员表演 2009-09-30 来源: 大运官网 编辑: 薛建华 赛事场馆 大运中心体育场 大运之城 更多 深圳经济特区建立 30周年纪念园竣工
孙葆丽-大运基本知识概览 2009-09-30 来源: 大运官网 编辑: 薛建华 赛事场馆 大运中心体育场 大运之城 更多 深圳经济特区建立 30周年纪念园竣工
首期团队建设活动 2009-09-30 来源: 大运官网 编辑: 薛建华 赛事场馆 大运中心体育场 大运之城 更多 深圳经济特区建立 30周年纪念园竣工
工作人员英语培训小组讨论活动 2009-09-30 来源: 大运官网 编辑: 薛建华 赛事场馆 大运中心体育场 大运之城 更多 深圳经济特区建立 30周年纪念园竣工
第二期团队建设培训 2009-09-30 来源: 大运官网 编辑: 薛建华 赛事场馆 大运中心体育场 大运之城 更多 深圳经济特区建立 30周年纪念园竣工
SHENZHEN_UNIVERSIADE 2011 SHENZHEN-Shenzhen Embraces the World
Strict rules needed to curb smoking David Hill Wang Yuanyuan CHINA should take stricter and more effective measures to control smoking in an effort to reduce lung cancer and deaths, president of the International Union Against Cancer (UICC), Professor David Hill, said in an interview with the Shenzhen Daily on Wednesday. The country had 300 […]
SHENZHEN_UNIVERSIADE 2011 SHENZHEN-Shenzhen Embraces the World
English -> NEWS -> SHENZHEN Red tide expanding 2010-08-20 Staff from the Longgang district marine environment monitoring center take samples for testing in waters off Nan’ao on Wednesday afternoon. The area of red tide, a phenomenon caused by algal blooms, has been increasing in recent days, spreading to Yueliang Bay and Yangchou Bay in the city’s eastern coast. The […]
SHENZHEN_UNIVERSIADE 2011 SHENZHEN-Shenzhen Embraces the World
World cancer forum pushes for access to pain relief Wang Yuanyuan, Yang Anni Medical experts from India, Malaysia and other countries at an exhibition of the World Cancer Congress yesterday. Sun Yuchen A PROGRAM to promote global access to pain relief was launched yesterday at a forum of the World Cancer Congress in Shenzhen. Medical […]
Competition work meeting held in Beijing On the afternoon of August 16, the first session of the competition work for the 26th Shenzhen Summer Univerisade was held in Beijing. Vice Chairperson and Secretary-General of the Chinese Federation of University Sports (FUSC) Yang Liguo, Deputy Chief of the Competition Department of the State Administration of Physical […]