Portable home production in full swing

    Cai Yingbo

    YAHGEE Modular House Co. Ltd., a Shenzhen portable home manufacturer, was at full capacity producing temporary shelters for homeless people in Sichuan Province.

    About 3,000 workers at its factories in eight cities including Fuzhou, Suzhou, Langfang, Shenyang and Chengdu, as well as Shenzhen, had been fully mobilized and were working three shifts a day.

    President Hu Jintao visited the company’s factory in Langfang on Sunday, encouraging the employees to work hard and produce more portable houses as quickly as possible.

    “We have doubled production to 12,000 square meters a day and, by the end of next month, we expect to have produced 50,000 temporary houses, including 10,000 made in Shenzhen, two months earlier than the deadline required by the government,” said Zhang Xiaoming, company marketing manager.

    The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has required portable home producers to provide 1 million temporary houses in three months for people in the disaster areas.

    “The Shenzhen Municipal Government has provided adequate funds and raw materials such as planks to support our production,” said Zhang.

    “We are trying our best to provide more temporary houses for people…in shorter time and more than 95 percent of the staff in our Shenzhen operation are involved in the production of portable houses,” said Zhang.

    The first batch of 180 temporary houses produced by the company arrived in Shifang in Sichuan Province on Monday. These would accommodate more than 1,000 people. The shipment took three days to arrive.