Preparatory work goes well

Shenzhen’s preparatory wokr for the Universdiade goes well. The city started to prepare for hosting the 26th summer Universiade immediately after succeeding in bidding for the event. Sadiums are under construction and the logo design will be decided and announced soon.

All 54 stadiums are brought into the construction program of the cityof which 32 have been finished 8 are being constucted and 14 will get under way soon said Huang Guoqiang a senior official with the city government. The design of the main stadium also known as the Universiade Center will be announced soon. The construction of the Sports New Town will start in August. The experts have already approved the environmental protection and programming plan of the Unversiade Village. The village’s design is confirmed and the construction will start at the end of this year. As the first new stadium the construction of the Universtiy Town sports center has already started since June according to the official. Other projects will be all started in the second half of this year. The aquatic center is decided to set up in Judiaosha area which has a good environment nice weather and convenient transportation.

Shenzhen has received more than 3000 designs of the 26th Universiade logo in 3 months’ time. The committee will chose the best one and hand in to the FISU for final decision. Further more the collection for auspicious figure and the song of the 26th Universiade has already started.

The first China Cup regatta will be held in Daya Bay area from Oct. 19 to 21st. This event is regarded as a rehearsal of the optional sports game for the 26th Universiade. Moreover Shenzhen is also willing to host the 2010 world university archery championship. The bidding report has already been prepared.
(马晓峰 编译)