26th World University Games

Police officer detained for DUI


Wang Jungang receives a breath test in Luohu District on Saturday morning. Li Weiwen


Han Ximin

A POLICE officer in Luohu District was detained Saturday for driving while drunk.

Wang Jungang of the Luohu police patrol would be dismissed from office, according to a Ministry of Public Security rule restricting officers from drink driving.

The Shenzhen Public Security Bureau microblog first released information and progress of the traffic police Tiger Hunt campaign Saturday.

Traffic police officers on duty intercepted Wang’s car at an inspection station in the Dongmen area of Shennan Road East. Police officers demanded Wang take a breath test but he was reluctant. He refused several times and at around 0:45 a.m. the man eventually got out of the car and walked to the police officers with a certificate book in his hand. Reporters at the scene said it was a police officer’s ID certificate. The breath test showed a blood-alcohol content of 84mg/100ml, exceeding the legal limit of 80mg/100 ml.

Wang was later taken in for further investigation.

Police said on the microblog that Wang would be detained for 15 days after his case had been referred to superior officers at Luohu District Public Security Bureau. It said a police officer driving under the influence of alcohol could be dismissed from office.

There was wide response from netizens on the microblog praising police for disciplining its officers for violations.

Police said yesterday that a total of 1,029 drivers had been detained for drunk driving since the campaign was launched in July. Police had detected 2,798 cases of driving under the influence of alcohol.

On Saturday, a Korean man surnamed Pei was detained for drunk driving. He was caught in the Coco Park area of Futian District and a blood test showed his blood-alcohol content was 137mg/100ml, police said.

A trainee driver who had just passed his test was also caught after he and his trainer went drinking to celebrate passing the driving test. He was caught in Chuangye Road, Nanshan District, with a blood-alcohol content of 140mg/100ml.

Since the launch of the campaign against drinking and driving, there had been markedly fewer traffic accidents at night. The city reported 1,677 accidents this year, a fall of 11.83 percent. The 549 fatalities was a reduction of 5.18 percent.

Source:大运官网 | Editer:大运网实习生