Competition work meeting held in Beijing

On the afternoon of August 16, the first session of the competition work for the 26th Shenzhen Summer Univerisade was held in Beijing. Vice Chairperson and Secretary-General of the Chinese Federation of University Sports (FUSC) Yang Liguo, Deputy Chief of the Competition Department of the State Administration of Physical Culture Han Jianguo, Vice Chairperson of the Executive Committee and Director-general of the Universiade Executive Office Liang Daoxing attended the meeting. Respective leaders from the Competition Department of the State Administration of Physical Culture, the Information Administrative Center of the State Administration of Physical Culture, the FUSC, the Doping Control Center of China, Huati Group and the Executive Office Competition Department were also present at the meeting.

This is the first competition work meeting after the State Physical Culture Administration appointed 25 directors for the 24 competitions sports of the 2011 Shenzhen Universiade. After briefing on the competition preparations for the 2011 Universiade, the Executive Office Competition Department reported to the State Physical Culture Administration and the FUSC about the overall competition agenda, 24 sports settings, and venue arrangements. As these 25 sports directors will play an important role in the Universiade competition operation, the Competition Department will strengthen the links with them right after the meeting. Under their guidance, the Competition Department is going to make sure the working plans for competition venues, equipment lists and site layout, to further impel the competition preparations.

After hearing the reports, Vice Chairperson and Secretary-General of FUSC Yang Liguo introduced the history and development experience of school physical culture. Besides lauding the Universiade Organizing Committee for their competition preparations, he extended his thanks to the State Physical Culture Administration and the directors of 24 competition sports. On behalf of Deputy Director of the State Physical Culture Administration Yang Shu’an, Deputy Chief Han Jianguo hoped, with feet firmly planted on the ground, the sports directors should soon take their positions in preparatory work.

In conclusion, Vice Chairperson of the Executive Committee and Director-general of the Universiade Executive Office Liang Daoxing delivered a speech. He commented, at the 365 – day countdown to the Games, holding the competition work meeting means an intensive status of the overall competition preparations, a new progress for the Universiade to be held in Shenzhen, 2010.

Source: 大运官网  Editor: 李蔚然