Notice for poster design contest of the 26th Summer Universiade

About the 26th Summer Universiade:

The 26th Summer Universiade will be held in Shenzhen in 2011. To promote both the event and the city of Shenzhen, the executive board of the 26th Summer Universiade has decided to hold a poster design contest for the event.

The contest will be held annually from 2008 to 2010. Each contest will produce six gold-prize and silver-prize winners, which will become part of a pool of candidate designs from which five final designs will be selected in 2011. The five designs will be designated as official posters of the 26th Summer Universiade.

The 2009 contest will be divided into two categories: the student category and professional designer category. The six finalists will be chosen from the entrants of the two categories.

Organizer: Executive Board of the 26th Summer Universiade

Executive Organizer: Shenzhen Polytechnic

Supporters: Graphic Design Committee of China Artists Association


Judge Panel: International design experts and scholars (the list will be announced after the contest)

Contest Secretariat: Shenzhen Polytechnic

Type of the design works: Posters for the 26th Summer Universiade

Theme of the posters: Youth, Friendship, Energy

Requirements for contestants:

1. The contributions must highlight the aforementioned theme and be healthy and inspirational. They must help reflect the spirit of the world university sports event. The contestants have full freedom as far as design styles are concerned.

2. The contributions must contain the logo of the 26th Summer Universiade “Happy U” and the event’s slogan “Start Here”. The logo and slogan can be downloaded from

Qualified contestants:

University students and professional designers from all over the world

Categories of contestants:

University students

Professional designers


One 1st-prize winner: 10,000 yuan (pre-tax) and a certificate

Five 2nd-prize winners: 6,000 yuan (pre-tax) and a certificate for each winner

Ten 3rd-prize winners: 3,000 yuan (pre-tax) and a certificate for each winner

Thirty “excellent contestants” with certificates

Sixty “contestants who pass the first-round selection” with certificates

For the student category, there will be 16 awards for teachers who have guided their students in making prize-winning posters and 6 awards for excellent organizers


1. The award money will be Chinese currency RMB.

2. If a contestant is a group of individuals that is not a legally formed body, the award money and trophy will be given to the individual whose name is the first of the group. If the contestant is a legally formed organization, the award money and trophy will be given to the organization.

For the 2009 contest, one gold-prize winning design and five silver-prize winning designs will be selected from the 12 first-prize and second-prize winners to be used for promotion purpose for the year of 2009.

Contest rules:

1. Each contribution will be A4 in size (210mm×297m) and without decoration. It should be stuck to the back of the entry form without being folded.

   A digital contribution (80cmX60cm) in the form of a compact disc is needed. Its definition should be no less than 300pdi, and its storage format will be TIF (CMYK format) or CDR. There should be designer’s name and contact information printed on the disc.

2. Contributions should be delivered by express mail. They should be wrapped up firmly to avoid being damaged while being mailed. The contest organizers will not be responsible for any such damages.

3. To ensure the contest to be open and fair, contestants are not allowed to put their names and the names of their schools or employers on the front side of their contributions.

4. Please write clearly which category you belong to on the outside of the envelop.

5. An entrant will pay for any cost incurred from participation in the contest. No participation fee is needed for the 2009 contest.

6. Since no contribution will be returned, contestants should keep copies of their contributions.

7. Once a design is sent out by mail, it can not be called back, changed or altered without approval of the organizers.

Submission deadline: Nov. 30, 2008


No matter whether his or her design is selected, an entrant is not allowed to release information on his or her contribution to a third party before Nov. 30, 2008. No commercial promotion by any entrant will be allowed at any time, in any place and in any way. An entrant is also not allowed to hint or suggest that he or she is affiliated to the Shenzhen Universiade, its executive board or any other organizations of the event.


A contribution that an entrant submits must be an original work made by him- or herself. With any copyright disputes occurring on the contribution, an entrant will be revoked of his or her qualification for the contest and he or she will be held liable for any consequences of the disputes. An entrant should also guarantee that use of his or her contribution will not bring any copyright dispute to the organizers. Since the date when an entrant submits his or her contribution, he or she has transferred the copyright of his or her contribution to the executive board of the 26th Summer Universiade completely, irrevocably and exclusively. An entrant will also allow the executive board to use his or her works anonymously, to make alterations to the contribution and to transfer the right of using the contribution to a third party. The entrant renounces any right for commercial benefits related to the use of his or her designs.

An entrant is considered to have agreed to the aforementioned conditions when he or she sends out his or her contributions to the organizers.

Contributions should be mailed to:

Organizing Committee of the Poster Design Contest of the 26th Summer Universiade

Artistic Design College

Western Campus

Shenzhen Polytechnic

Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Post Code: 518055

Phone: 0755-26019658

Fax: 0755-26019271

Contacts: Xu Guang, Jin Hai

Please also log onto for more information

2009 Poster Design Contest for 26th Summer Universiade Entry Form for Student Category

2009 Poster Design Contest for 26th Summer Universiade Entry Form for Professional Designer Category