Hello, Mickey

Serbia is a country with various nations, including the famous Slavonics and Croatians. English is not widely spoken in Belgrade, the capital of Serbian. How does Shenzhen delegation communicate with local people? Don’t worry. We have a local “Mickey”.

“Mickey”is the local guide with the real name Milots, who is a Serbian volunteer appointed by the Organizing Committee to the Shenzhen delegation. The guy is a super fan of Chinese culture, with 7-8 years’ Chinese language learning experience. He, who likes to call himself “Mickey”, is in fact under a heavy workload everyday. He is responsible for the communication between the delegation and the Organizing Committee, in addition, he takes care of the coordination of exhibition and credentials. He even sees to the daily life of the delegation. During the exhibition, “Mickey”takes a pretty busy job with one telephone after another, instead of a Hollywood’life as a famous star.