Festive Opening Ceremony in University Village

In a festive ceremony, University Village in New Belgrade was opened today. This is the place where more than 10 000 athletes will reside in the next three weeks, during the 25th Summer Universiade Belgrade 2009. Present at the ceremony were the highest officials of the Republic of Serbia and the city of Belgrade.

Eric Santron, the FISU Secretary General opened today the University Village, the heart of the 25th anniversary Summer Universiade.

– In the next three weeks, during the Universiade, Belgrade will be the world capital of university youth. The opening of University Village heralds symbolically the arrival of participants and delegations from all over the world. FISU representatives are aware of efforts the Organization Committee, the government of Serbia and thousands of volunteers have invested in realizing this dream. In University Village we will not talk about politics, only about projects for the future of the planet – concluded Eric Santron.

Bozidar Djelic, deputy premier of Serbia welcomed all participants to Serbia and said once again that Belgrade and Serbia were ready for the Universiade.

– May the best athlete win! Serbia will give their contribution to the event. The Universiade’s role is spreading of good will and friendship among young people, but also promotion of Serbia’s potential. I would like to thank all those who gave their support to the Universiade organization and all those who showed what Serbian resourcefulness and tenacity can do. University Village is without doubt the best accommodation ever provided for a big sports event. It is a great honor for Serbia to have been given the organization of the 25th anniversary summer Universiade. We are proud of the fact that the Universiade legacy to citizens of Serbia will be newly reconstructed sports venues, and school and student dormitories – stated Bozidar Djelic.

The Belgrade mayor, Dragan Djilas said that the people of Belgrade have been working night and day to finish all preparations for the Universiade.

– Belgrade has been living for the Universiade. Thanks to the energy of Bozidar Djelic and the Universiade organizers, an impossible plan has become a reality. I would like to thank FISU people who believed in us. I am sure that Belgrade will be a good host to the 10 000 athletes and that athletes will help put Belgrade on the map of the world and act as Serbia’s ambassadors – said the Belgrade Mayor, Dragan Djilas.