EC Meeting in Harbin: Day 2

    EC Meeting in Harbin: Day 2

    March 1st, 2008

China’s Minister of Education Mr. Zhou Ji and FISU President Killian

    Today, March 1st, the FISU Executive Committee met for the second day of session in Harbin, China, the host city of the 24th Winter Universiade to be held from February 18th to 28th, 2009. The day ended with a meeting between FISU President George Killian and CHian’s Minister of Education, H.E. Mr. Zhou Ji.

The OC delegates of the 2009 WU in Harbin

    The morning session of the second day started with the progress report of the Organising Committee of the 2009 Winter Universiade addressed by Mr. Cheng Youdong, Vice-Governor of the Heilongjiang Province. The construction of the sports venues has been accomplished ahead of schedule. Meanwhile the newly-built and renovated construction projects of snow events have also been completed primarily. The construction of the snow venues in Jabuli en Maoer Mountain Ski Resorts has already been completed, except for the K125 Ski jumping hill, which is still in progress and will be completed in October 2008. The renovation and construction of all ice venues in Harbin will be finished by the end of 2008. The preparation of the competitions is also advancing smoothly. The training and competition programs have been drafted. The marketing work has gained initial results as the first group of partners and sponsors have been signed, such as People’s Insurance Company of China (PICC), China Qiaodan Sports Goods Corporation (clothing), ZTE Corporation (electronics).

    The PR machine is also doing its work as the OC website was revamped and billboards and flags with the logo and mascot of the Games are adorning the city streets. Trailers are shown on TV and advertisements are published in the newspapers. PR booths were present at trade fairs.

    February 18th marked the one-year countdown to the opening of the Harbin Winter Universiade, meaning the preparatory work has entered the last stretch. ‘The OC has made detailed arrangements for the upcoming preparation tasks’, the Vice-Governor said. ‘We will try our outmost to bring the world the most spectacular Universiade in history with great efficiency and hard work to reciprocate the confidence of FISU and make active contributions to the development of world university sports.’

Kairis Ulp CSU Chair

    After this presentation, the floor was given to Mrs. Kairis Ulp, CSU Chair, to present the report of the 1st CSU Meeting prior to the EC Meeting. ‘In general, we are very satisfied with the preparations in Harbin, Yabuli and Maoer Mountain, especially with the finished construction works and the involvement of FIS and IBU experts in these works’ Mrs. Ulp told the EC. ‘Although, four key issues need special attention, i.e. finishing the works with the infrastructure on time; acquiring sufficient technical know-how for running the competitions; global management system and the preparations of the human resources and volunteer project.’

    Next, Mr. Milan Augustin, Director of the Winter Universiade, presented the CTI Report in name of CTI Chair Roger Roth. The first contact of the FISU Technical Chairs with their sports related partners of the Harbin OC was very successful. All the demanded key persons, such as venue and competition managers showed up and collaboration started everywhere with enthusiasm and the will to reach a successful final presentation of their competitions just in less than 365 days was everywhere perceptible. The homologation processes by the ISF commissars are launched and on track. All experts of FIS and IBU involved in the constructions of the venues did an excellent job and have to be congratulated. As a matter of fact, some sports or competition formats are not yet implemented in China, while in others they have already raised World and Olympic champions. Some competitions have never taken place in China and the know-how has to be acquired completely. To achieve this, staff training programs and tests events have been launched.

Sinisa Jasnic and Laurent Briel

    Then the floor was given to Sinisa Jasnic, CT Chair championships and Laurent Briel Director of Championships. A summary was given of the progress of the 2008 World University Championships. Mr. Briel also mentioned the fact that FISU signed three more conventions with ISFs, i.e. the International Badminton Federation, the International Baseball Federation and the International Canoe Federation which bring the number of conventions with ISFs to 11.

    Today we have already 18 WUC fixed for 2010. Five mire candidatures were received and the bidding dossiers for 2012 are ready.

    Patronage was given for the 2008 World University Sambo Cup in Kaunas, LTU and for the U-Games 2008, 2009, 2010 in Evolène, SUI, which are Alpine and Nordic Skiing Competitions.

    The last action prior to the lunch was the approval of the CISCA nominations for the 2008 World University Championships.

    It was also decided to send the presidents of the four Continental Associations and 2 students per continent to the FISU Forum in Krakow.

    The FISU also granted the Harbin OC the possibility to host a Scientific Conference during the Harbin Winter Universiade.

    Treasurer Danzandorj Bayasgalan was added to the Development Committee, chaired by FISU President Killian.

Dominique Curchod & Verena Burke

    After lunch, Verena Burke, Vice-Chair of the Press Committee gave a report of the Press Committee meeting held in the FISU HQ early February. On March 10th a contract will be signed with Russia TV and the contracts with EBU and Fox TV will be continued. FISU’s TV consultant Dominique Curchod gave a presentation on how to get events on TV.

    Next Eric Saintrond gave an update about the 2013 bidding dossiers and announced the composition of the evaluation groups for the 2013 Winter and Summer Universiade bidding candidates. He also explained the newly developed bidding cities presentation.