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Thursday Mar 06, 2025


李意珍(右三)、噶里恩(左三)、周冠华(右二)、梁道行(右一)、闫小培(左二)、黄国强(左一)等领导共同拉下发布拉杆,揭开深圳大运会志愿者(义工)标志、口号神秘面纱。 大运会志愿者(义工)标志为“世界之窗——用心包容世界”,志愿者(义工)口号为“我在这里(I’m Here)”。 深圳市委常委、教育工委书记、大运会志愿者(义工)工作协调小组组长李意珍致辞。 大运会官方网讯  12月5日是国际义工日,深圳大运会执行局、团市委在深圳市体育场新闻发布厅隆重召开了深圳大运会志愿者(义工)标志、口号发布仪式暨第二届深圳市百名优秀义工表彰仪式。入选志愿者(义工)标志名为“世界之窗——用心包容世界”,深圳大运会志愿者(义工)口号最终确定为“我在这里(I’m Here)”。  


赴十一运会服务志愿者受到表彰 表彰“志愿服务之星” 表彰“优秀志愿者” 广州亚运会志愿服务研究中心主任、广东省志愿者联合会副会长谭建光教授为大运会赛会骨干志愿者(义工)进行志愿服务理念的培训。 大运会官方网讯  11月28日下午,深圳大运会赛会骨干志愿者赴十一运会志愿服务表彰大会暨志愿服务理念培训在深圳市团校举行,16名赴十一运会服务志愿者受到表彰。  


11月19日下午,由深圳大运会执行局、团市委主办的大运会志愿者(义工)口号专家评审会在深圳市五洲宾馆召开。 团市委书记刘燕为专家颁发聘书 深圳大运会执行局专职副局长赵广华出席评审会并作重要讲话 深圳大运会执行局志愿者部负责人蔡艺芳主持评审会 五位评审团专家  大运会官方网讯  11月19日下午,由深圳大运会执行局、团市委主办的大运会志愿者(义工)口号专家评审会在深圳市五洲宾馆召开。在评审会上,来自高校、传媒界、志愿者工作等领域的五位专家经过仔细探讨和逐条评审,从50条候选口号中选出了20条优秀口号。大运会志愿者口号将从这20条口号中选出,并于12月发布。  

ABOUT FISU_UNIVERSIADE 2011 SHENZHEN-Shenzhen Embraces the World

GAUDEAMUS IGITUR-The Official FISU Anthem Gaudeamus Igitur is an ancient student song from the middle 18th century. Unfortunately neither the exact origin nor the name of the compositor are known.We presume the music was written by Johannes Christian Grünthaus in 1717 and rewritten by Christian Nilh Kindleben in 1781.Even Johannes Brahms ( 1833 – 1897 […]

PAST GAMES_UNIVERSIADE 2011 SHENZHEN-Shenzhen Embraces the World

Speeches After all the delegations had entered the stadium Liu Qi, Mayor of Beijing and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 21st Universiade expressed his warmest welcome to the members of the FISU Executive Committee, to the participants of the different countries, to the members of the International Olympic Committee and to all the […]

ABOUT FISU_UNIVERSIADE 2011 SHENZHEN-Shenzhen Embraces the World

English -> FISU -> ABOUT FISU Statistics and Dates 2010-09-05 Statistics and Dates 1923 – 1938 Summer Student World Championships  1924  1st Summer Student World Championships (Warsaw)  1927  2nd Summer Student World Championships (Rome)  1928  3rd Summer Student World Championships (Paris)  1930  4th International University Games (Darmstadt)  1933  5th International University Games (Torino)  1935  6th International University Games (Budapest)  […]

ABOUT FISU_UNIVERSIADE 2011 SHENZHEN-Shenzhen Embraces the World

The International University Sports Federation, FISU, arose within university institutions to propagate sport values and promote sports practice in perfect synergy and complementarity with the university spirit.The Precursors – At the beginning of the 19th century, competitive sport took its first steps, guided by one of its precursors and the father of the modern Olympics, […]

ABOUT FISU_UNIVERSIADE 2011 SHENZHEN-Shenzhen Embraces the World

SZ Universiade logo for bid Shenzhen unveiled the logo for its 2011 Universiade at a press conference Thursday. Han Zhanning, the logo designer and secretary of the Shenzhen Graphic Designers’ Association, explained the meaning of the logo to the press. “The logo consists of three U-shape ribbons as U is the first letter of Universiade. […]

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