两级服务体系 构建“15分钟医疗服务圈” 江捍平介绍,新型城市医疗服务体系的建设,使我市卫生事业实现了大发展、大跨越。全市现有卫生机构2588家,三级医院和二级医院的布点覆盖了全部城市功能组团,社康中心网点覆盖至每个社区。这些政府办医疗机构形成“15分钟医疗服务圈”,基本满足了千万以上人口的医疗卫生服务需求,初步实现“小病不出社区、大病不出深圳”。此外,遍布企业事业单位的医务室和诊所、门诊部、民营医院为市民提供了多样化的医疗服务。2009年,我市基本医疗保险参保人员异地就医比例为1.3%。,比2004年下降60%。 陈竺高度评价“一大一小”的新型城市两级服务体系。社康中心由院办院管,上下联动,加上医保社区首诊优惠的政策引导,构建了很好的分工协作机制。 江捍平介绍,市政府在“十一五”期间立项新建9家三级医院和医学科学研究院,迁址重建2家三级医院。同时,对现有的二、三级医院全部实施改、扩建,推动现有的区级医院(主要为二级医院和三级医院)通过改扩建和内涵提升,为今后逐步创建成为三级甲等医院奠定基础。 这些区域医疗中心新建、改扩建任务完成后,我市三级医院网络将覆盖全市11个城市功能组团,预计将新增床位1.2万多张,基本实现优质卫生资源的均衡布局,全面改善卫生资源严重不足的状况。 “政府新增的9家三级医院与区域规划和城市功能组团联系到一起,优化了医疗资源配置。”陈竺说。 来源: 深圳新闻网-深圳商报 编辑: 小月
Day: August 22, 2010
SHENZHEN_UNIVERSIADE 2011 SHENZHEN-Shenzhen Embraces the World
A man proposes to his girlfriend (C) at a skating rink while others look on at Window of the World in Nanshan District yesterday, the traditional Double-Seventh Day, also known as Chinese Valentine’s Day. The Chinese Valentine’s Day falls on the seventh day of seventh month in the Chinese lunar calendar. Sun Yuchen Source: […]
SHENZHEN_UNIVERSIADE 2011 SHENZHEN-Shenzhen Embraces the World
Egyptian belly dancer (C), identified only as Mily, rehearses with local belly dance instructors at Shenzhen Yina Belly Dancing Training Center yesterday. Mily, a household name in belly dancing in Egypt, was invited to the city on an exchange program. Wei Jiancheng Source: Shenzhen Daily Editor: 洪志科
SHENZHEN_UNIVERSIADE 2011 SHENZHEN-Shenzhen Embraces the World
Pangolin scales confiscated by Luohu Customs officers. The pangolin scales, carried by an inbound Hong Kong passenger, weighed 14.5 kilograms. It was the first time such a large amount of pangolin scales had been seized by Luohu Customs, officials said. Pangolin is on the list of protected species. Pangolin scales are an expensive ingredient […]