Modern Industry

General Introduction
Shenzhen’s export-oriented industry makes up half of its whole economy. The city’s total industrial output value has maintained fast growth over the past 15 years. In 2006, driven by domestic and overseas markets, the industrial production with the high-tech sector as the backbone continued to grow vigorously and realized 285.812 billion yuan in added value, up 17.3 percent over the previous year. The total industrial added value made up 50.3 percent of the city’s gross output value.

Top 100 Enterprises
Shenzhen’s integrated industrial development has been brought up to date with more priority given to key industries. In 2006, the city’s top 100 enterprises realized industrial added value of 162.04 billion yuan, and gross industrial output value of 723.75 billion yuan, up 28.5 percent over the previous year and making up 62 percent of the city’s total industrial output value. 

Pillar Industries Since the mid-1990s, Shenzhen has focused on seven major industries, which include computer software, IT, microelectronics and components, video and audio products, electro-mechanical integration, and key projects of light industry and energy. Meanwhile, new industries, such as pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, biotechnology and new materials, have grown rapidly.

Electronics and telecom equipment manufacturing is the city’s largest industry, with modern equipment making (spearheaded by machinery making) the second-largest industry.

Major Industrial Products
Shenzhen has 34 industrial sectors. Of its 1,000-plus industrial products, 30 are in lead position in China in terms of total output. The following are some of the city’s products, which have notched up a large share of domestic and international markets: containers, 38 percent globally; hard drives, 50 percent domestically and 10 percent globally; computer magnetic heads, 60 percent globally; laser pickups, 60 percent globally; program-controlled switching boards, 40 percent domestically; gene hepatitis B vaccine, 51 percent domestically; clocks and watches, 45 percent globally; and gold jewelry, 70 percent domestically.

Traditional Industries
Shenzhen has more than 1,200 garment brands. Traditional industries, such as leather, gold and jewelry, machinery, furniture, toy, printing, clock and watch, continue to grow rapidly.

Jewelry Industry
Shenzhen was the first city in China to engage in the gold and jewelry processing business. Its business turnover has accounted for 70 percent of the domestic market. More than 1,100 gold and jewelry enterprises in Shenzhen are working to expand and integrate the industry and develop a series of brands.