In order to spread knowledge on the Universiade among citizens and thus promote the events, according to the Universiade bid report and the Executive Office, a Universiade Culture Festival is to be held around January 17 every year before 2010. Following the previous two successful Culture Festivals, the third one began on Dec. 15, 2009, […]
Month: March 2010
晚会上的舞蹈表演《欢乐青春》 会徽揭幕仪式现场 大运会官方网讯 深圳第26届世界大学生夏季运动会会徽发布暨首届大运会文化节开幕晚会在欢乐谷隆重举行,伴随着现场观众欢快的倒数声,教育部副部长、国际大体联副主席、中国大体协主席章新胜,广东省委副书记、深圳市委书记刘玉浦,副省长林木声,省政协副主席许德立,深圳市长许宗衡共同拉起启动杆,深圳大运会会徽《欢乐的U》从水中缓缓浮出水面,向世人亮相。 出席晚会的还有教育部学生体育协会联合秘书处秘书长、中国大体协副主席杨立国,深圳市领导李意珍、李锋、李华楠、梁道行、陈观光。 受刘玉浦委托,许宗衡在昨晚的晚会上致辞。他首先代表深圳市委市政府和全市人民,对长期以来关心大运、支持大运的各级领导和社会各界朋友表示衷心的感谢。许宗衡还指出,会徽以独特的设计、丰富的内涵抒发了深圳这座年轻之城的青春、时尚和想象力,展现了深圳开放、包容、创新的城市特征,成为深圳又一张闪亮的名片。 在晚会上,体育明星陈新华、孙彩云与娱乐明星孙悦、周笔畅、阿牛等到纷纷上台,或献书法,或献歌,表达对深圳举办大运的欢乐心声。 另外,深圳第26届世界大学生夏季运动会第一次赞助商征集大会昨天下午在深圳圣廷苑酒店举行。
Liang gives interviews in English
Li Hao THE presence of Liang Daoxing at yesterday’s opening ceremony gave three foreign junior journalists a rare opportunity to conduct their first English interviews with an official. “Can I interview some hero athletes during the Universiade?” asked Eric Kim, an 11-year-old South Korean boy. “Of course, you will see a lot of athletes from […]
Modern Industry
General Introduction Shenzhen’s export-oriented industry makes up half of its whole economy. The city’s total industrial output value has maintained fast growth over the past 15 years. In 2006, driven by domestic and overseas markets, the industrial production with the high-tech sector as the backbone continued to grow vigorously and realized 285.812 billion yuan in […]
Creation of FISU
The International University Sports Federation, FISU, arose within university institutions to propagate sport values and promote sports practice in perfect synergy and complementarity with the university spirit.The Precursors – At the beginning of the 19th century, competitive sport took its first steps, guided by one of its precursors and the father of the modern Olympics, […]
在执行局党组的统一部署和各部室的大力支持下,人力资源部圆满完成了大运会执行局2009年首批企业化用人招聘任务。 2月上旬招聘工作启动,截至3月初,人力资源部共收到简历8600余份,通过资格审核和电话面试,选定300余人参加面试。招聘过程中,各部室与人力资源部通力配合,共同参与资格审查、初试、笔试审核、复试,多角度接触、全面考察应聘者的能力,保证人才专业性和适岗性同时,大大缩短了招聘周期,截至5月初,15个岗位人选全部确定并到岗入职。 企业化用人是执行局选取人才的新尝试,在甄选方法上有很多创新之举。为从方式、方法上保证优秀人才能够脱颖而出,对竞争激烈的岗位,如市场部品牌策划与推广组高级主任、特许经营组主任、人力资源部招聘组主任岗,采用无领导小组讨论的面试形式,充分展现应聘者现场组织、陈述、概括、应对能力。为坚持竞争性,人力资源部协同各部室,根据拟聘岗位实际需求能力,精心设计了多套笔试题,综合考察应聘者的知识面。为保证招聘人员经历、人品的真实可靠,在严格核实入选人员学历、学位的基础上,加大了对应聘人员的背景经历的调查力度。为准确及时传递信息,很多环节如面试通知、笔试通知、报到通知等都采用电话通知和短信通知、邮件通知并行的方式。 企业化用人是执行局招揽人才方式的新探索,组织和实施过程中,还有很多待继续加强的地方。纵观收到的简历,操作层面应聘者居多,各部室急需的高端人才和各种专业技能人才缺口依然很大。下一步,人力资源部将会继续加强与北京奥组委、广州亚组委、国内外人才专业机构、大型体育赛事赞助商、国内外体育赛事机构的联系和合作,加大社会公开招聘、借调、抽调的执行力度,按照“政府主导,市场运作,企业投资”的思路,探索VIK用人模式,充分调度社会资源多方位招揽人才。 为成功举办大运会,打造一流的团队,提供优质、高效、全方位的人才支持,招聘任务繁重而艰巨。压力促生动力,人力资源部的招聘工作将立足全局,不断创新,多出新思维,多辟新路子,推进招聘工作向更科学的轨道发展。
Top Eight Shenzhen Scenic Spots-Dapeng Fortress
Dapeng Fortress Dapeng Fortress is located in the east side of Longgang District in Shenzhen City with its former full name as “Dapeng Military Fortress for Protection of Households in the Town”, which was built to fight against the invasion of the Japanese pirates, covering a total area of 110,000 square meters, initially built in […]
梁道行 大运会官方网讯 昨天下午,从副市长岗位上退下来的梁道行回到大运会执行局办公室,他将继续担任大运会执行局局长一职。 今年60岁的梁道行是土生土长的深圳人。从2002年自南山区区委书记升任副市长起,7年来,梁道行曾分管体育、民政、劳动保障等项工作,2007年3月起,还分管大运会筹备工作并兼任大运会执行局局长、党组书记。本次人大会议主席团对他的评价是:为人谦和,作风深入细致。 昨天下午,在大运会执行局的办公室里,他对记者表示“以后所有精力都放在大运会上”。让他最牵挂的是大运会的市场开发。“金融危机形势下,大运会市场开发未免会受影响,现在已经有很好的开局,可能会降低门槛。” 梁道行常说:“体育可以给城市和生活带来美妙和不可思议的变化”,昨天他吐露心声,说自己分管体育工作“既是工作,又是享受”,“能分管体育是一种幸福。” 据了解,梁道行早在学生时代就很喜欢体育。他的一位朋友告诉记者,在中山大学读书时,他就是学校足球队守门员。如今虽然已经60岁,他的身体还是很健壮。梁道行的同事告诉记者,他和许多80、90后一样,喜爱看体育赛事,也是刘翔、姚明的粉丝。梁道行说,为了大运会,他还要带头学英文,还要带动市民一起学。 晶报记者 吴思静/文 李忠/图
Top Eight Shenzhen Scenic Spots-Yangtai Mountain
Yangtai Mountain It is located in Mt. Yangtai in Bao’an District with its main peak measuring 587.3 meters tall, blessed with plentiful rain and the agreeable climate, representing the headstream of the main streams and rivers of Shenzhen which is abundantly surrounded with the luxuriant trees and flowers with many different wildlife animals running along. […]
Top Eight Shenzhen Scenic Spots-Shennan Thoroughfare
Shennan Thoroughfare Shennan Avenue running through the downtown area of Shenzhen City is the busiest traffic road in Shenzhen, starting from Sanjiu Hotel along the Yanhe Crossing on the east to Nantou Inspection Station and it is an 8-lane dual carriageway with green belt sandwiched between the two neighboring lanes with a total length of […]