Lanterns, flags light up coming holidays

Workers hang red lanterns up on lamp posts along the Shennan Thoroughfare in Futian District on Sunday to boost the festive atmosphere for the coming National Day holiday and the Mid-Autumn Festival. Lan Jun

Han Ximin

THE city has started decorating streets, buildings and parks to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Along some sections of the city’s trunk roads such as Shennan Thoroughfare, Binhai Thoroughfare and Shahe Road West, Shenzhen Light Environment Management Center plans to hang 1,400 lanterns. Workers started hanging and testing the lanterns yesterday and the work will be finished next Tuesday.

The center also plans to hang 3,000 flags along Binhe road, Huanggang Road, Hongling road, Sungang Road, Shangbu Road and Caitian Road. Office buildings are encouraged to hang flags or lanterns to create a festive mood.

Street decorations were among the 10 measures the city is taking to spruce up the holidays.

According to the city’s urban management bureau, the city will place 700,000 potted flowers at bus stops, train terminals and checkpoints, and in the square in front of the Deng Xiaoping Portrait, the Civic Center. The bureau hoped residents would place flowers on balconies or in front of doors to celebrate the holidays.

From Sept. 30 to Oct. 8, the night light facilities will be switched on and laser performances will be shown at the square of Citizens’ Center from Sept. 30 to Oct. 5. The streets around the Citizens’ Center will be decorated with 6,000 bunches of LED lights, which will lead to starry nights in the city.