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Sunday Dec 29, 2024

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问工动态 职介红黑榜 招聘大都会 职场新时尚 职业顾问 学习吧 校园兼职 华南媒介人才库 问工妹妹Fans区 问工客服 报业车友会 试乘试驾 车友服务 自驾天下 行行摄摄 投诉有门 用车玩车 鹏城车事 拼车E族 09深港澳车展 熊迷会 车城版务 烦恼速递 一年级 二年级 三年级 四年级 五年级 六年级 七年级 八年级 九年级 高一 高二 高三 Powered by Discuz! Archiver 6.0.0  © 2001-2006 Comsenz Inc.

Visa tips

Once you’ve decided on the time for your trip to Shenzhen, you’d better submit the visa application to the Chinese embassy or consulate in your own country. All the Chinese embassies in the foreign countries will, according to the principle of “warm service, strict control, simple formalities and soon issue”, properly handle your visa application […]

Transport service

Transport tips — In addition to the buses, subways, the taxis are also available in Shenzhen. Taking a taxi has a common name of “Da Di” in Shenzhen. The cheapest price for a taxi ride is 12.5 yuan and the price following the 3-km taxi ride is 2.4 yuan/km. Don’t forget to keep your invoice. […]

Transit without visa policy

Non-Hongkong citizens from about 100 countries transiting Hongkong to Shenzhen for travelling purpose can transit without visa and stay up to 114 hours in Shenzhen. Emergency Number: (86-755) 110 Consultation and Suit Numbers: (86-20) 83119147, (86-20) 83111000 (Office Hour: 8:30-12:00am, 14:00-17:30pm) Hotline of Exit and Entry Service: 96897 (Direct Line in Guangdong Province, P. R. China) Website: […]

Ports and Customs

Regarded as the most important port city in China, Shenzhen first set up a customs house by the Shenzhen River in 1900. It now boasts the latest number of border checkpoint sand the heaviest exit-entry flow of people and vehicles in the country.In 2001,shenzhen ports handled a total of 117 million passengers and 11.37 million […]

Administration of the Exit and Entry of Foreigners

Shenzhen has introduced the sticker visa practice and green card system into its administration of the exit and entry of foreigners. Foreigners to visit Shenzhen can obtain relevant information through the following channels: 1.Log onto the Web site of the Division of Exit-entry Administration of the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau: 2.Call the information hotline: […]

Li Ting won the gold medal

China’s Li Ting won the gold medal in the women’s 10m platform final with a score of 581.04 at the 23rd Universiade, Izmir, Turkey, Aug. 16, 2005 China’s Li Na won the bronze medal in the women’s 10m platform final with a score of 505.02 at the 23rd Universiade, Izmir, Turkey, Aug. 16, 2005.  

大运会网球:中国队开门红 女双男单轻取对手

新华网贝尔格莱德7月3日体育专电(记者马震、邹大鹏)参加世界大运会的中国网球队3日取得“开门红”,女双和男单选手分别轻取对手。 女网姐妹花刘芳和丁莹当天在女子双打比赛中迎战名不见经传的乌干达小将。中国选手以6:0的比分轻取第一盘。第二盘赛程未过半,中国队主教练韦嘉精和领队汪敏及副领队 顾红等人就来到树下的咖啡桌边与记者聊天。汪敏说:“不用看了,赢定了。” 几分钟后,小刘和小丁果然将对手拿下,比分又是6:0。 这场比赛总共用时不超过40分钟。赛后,刘芳精力依旧旺盛,立即就陪4日要参加女单比赛的队友岳青练球。 男子单打比赛在另一体育场进行,中国小将宝力高同样以6:1、6:2直落两盘,轻取黎巴嫩对手。 韦嘉精赛后对新华社记者说:“今天的开门红令人欣慰,但我们不能掉以轻心,因为中国选手实力不是很强,需要一场一场去拼。”(完)  

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