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Tuesday Mar 04, 2025

Beijing 2001-Entering a New Era

Entering a New Era ‘Chinese people have an organizing committee to put on a very, very professional and well-organized Universiade. Everything you have done has been positive.’ Those were the exact words of FISU President George E. Killian at his final press conference during the 21st Summer Universiade, which was held in Beijing, China from […]

Beijing 2001-Breathtaking Opening Ceremony

Breathtaking Opening Ceremony On August 22nd, at eight o’clock sharp the guards of honor of the Opening Ceremony appeared in the Workers Stadium. Heading them were eight students who carried the Universiade flag. They were followed by the ‘Campus Angels’ dressed in white. They released nearly 10,000 pigeons, a symbol of peace. The Angels were […]

Statistics and Dates

1923 – 1938 Summer Student World Championships  1924  1st Summer Student World Championships (Warsaw)  1927  2nd Summer Student World Championships (Rome)  1928  3rd Summer Student World Championships (Paris)  1930  4th International University Games (Darmstadt)  1933  5th International University Games (Torino)  1935  6th International University Games (Budapest)  1937  7th International University Games (Paris)  1939  8th International […]

FISU History

The International University Sports Federation, FISU, arose within university institutions to propagate sport values and promote sports practice in perfect synergy and complementarity with the university spirit.The Precursors – At the beginning of the 19th century, competitive sport took its first steps, guided by one of its precursors and the father of the modern Olympics, […]

Historical Development

Archaeological research shows that aborigines started to occupy this area of land as early as 6,700 years ago in the Neolithic Age. Shenzhen, as a settlement, has a history of 1,673 years. Ancient Baiyue Tribe (Prehistory –214 B.C.) In the Xia and Shang dynasties, Shenzhen was a base for the ancient sea-faring Baiyue Tribe. Those […]

Modern Logistics

Shenzhen is endeavoring to build a finance system that will have the capacity to support the city’s economic development, to incorporate flexibility into the city’s industrial structure, and effectively prevent and avoid risks. By 2010, the city is expected to have developed into a modern and international finance center of China.  Finance Shenzhen leads the […]

Medical Institutions

Shenzhen People’s Hospital Located in Luohu District, it was former Bao’an County People’s Hospital and has now developed into a modern comprehensive hospital with multiple functions, advanced equipment, experienced professionals. Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital It was the former Shenzhen Red Cross Hospital. As one of the city’s two big comprehensive hospitals, it has 1,100 beds […]


      6月3日,中国电信签约成为深圳大运会全球合作伙伴。广东省委副书记、深圳市委书记刘玉浦和中国电信总经理王晓初按下见证双方合作的指模 谭彬摄     大运会执委会副主席、执行局局长梁道行和中国电信副总经理杨小伟分别代表大运会执行局和中国电信签约 谭彬摄   合影     大运会官方网讯  6月3日,在深圳大运会倒计时800天之际,中国电信与深圳第26届世界大学生夏季运动会签约,成为继招商银行、金威啤酒、南方电网和可口可乐之后的深圳大运会第五家合作伙伴,是通信业务的全业务类全球合作伙伴。     广东省委副书记、深圳市委书记刘玉浦、深圳市长许宗衡、中国大体协常务副主席兼秘书长、大运会执委会副主席杨立国、深圳常务副市长许勤、市委常委戴北方、大运会执委会副主席、执行局局长梁道行、市政府秘书长李平、副秘书长黄国强,中国电信总经理王晓初、副总经理杨小伟等出席了签约仪式。     刘玉浦在签约仪式前会见王晓初时表示,深圳的信息化、通讯化建设离不开中国电信的支持,中国电信成为深圳大运会全球合作伙伴,不仅将保证大运会顺利举行,还将给大运会增添光彩,同时意味着深圳大运会在跨行业市场开发道路上又前进了一大步。王晓初当场表示,中国电信将以大运会为契机,改造、升级深圳的通讯系统,尽快实现光纤入户,并使无线宽带业务再上一个新台阶。     签约仪式由市政府秘书长李平主持,许宗衡和王晓初分别代表深圳市政府和中国电信致辞。梁道行和杨小伟分别代表大运会执行局和中国电信签约并互换协议文本。刘玉浦、王晓初当场按下见证双方合作的指模,随后刘玉浦代表深圳市委市政府、深圳大运会向中国电信赠送了特报礼物——水晶U。  

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