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Tuesday Mar 04, 2025

Shenzhen begins marketing of Universiade

When Li Yizhen, Secretary of Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the CPC declares, “26th Summer Universiade market developing begins”, Shenzhen presents a brand new landmark of Universiade coming with “Shenzhen Mode”, an innovation about universiade market exploring. According to Shenzhen Universiade Market Developing and Universiade Economy Peak Forum in Wuzhou Guest House, there will be more […]

Kuttybayev Kanatbetk:SZ feels like home

Kuttybayev Kanatbetk, vicepresident of Kazakh University Sports Federation The first impression of Shenzhen is like”back home” said Kuttybayev Kanatbetk Vice President of Kazakhstan University Sports Federation. He said people in Shenzhen are very kind. Kanatbetk from Almaty said he came to Shenzhen with great enthusiasm. He told the reporter that Kazakhstan will fully support 2011 […]

Marriage in numbers

    Newlyweds wave to relatives and friends from a boat during a mass wedding ceremony at the Splendid China·China Folk Culture Villages theme park Tuesday. Altogether 91 couples were married at the mass wedding. Most were white-collar workers and there were also some from the United States and Japan. The mass wedding was organized by the […]

Festive season

    Taxi drivers dance during the sixth Shenzhen Taxi Happy Festival held at the Happy Valley theme park Saturday. More than 2,000 taxi drivers participated in the festival.Wen Wenfeng     Performers at the closing ceremony of the city’s second Park Cultural Festival which was held at Lotus Hill Park on Saturday. The festival, which opened Dec. 29, […]

Preparatory work goes well

Shenzhen’s preparatory wokr for the Universdiade goes well. The city started to prepare for hosting the 26th summer Universiade immediately after succeeding in bidding for the event. Sadiums are under construction and the logo design will be decided and announced soon. All 54 stadiums are brought into the construction program of the cityof which 32 […]

University Games are ready to roll

[UNIVERSIADE] The 24th World University Games will be an event that will be remembered for a long time when it is held from August 8 to 18 in Bangkok, Sumet Yamnoon said. Published on July 27, 2007 Dispelling security concerns, Sumet, the chief organiser of the Universiade, said the unstable political situation in the country […]

Guo Jingjing

Name: Guo Jingjing Gender: F Height: 1.63m Weight: 49kg Place of birth: Baoding, Hebei Province Date of birth: October 15, 1981 Education background: University Hobby: music Sport: Diving Sports career:Took up diving in the Baoding Training Base in 1988, coached by Li Fang. Entered the Hebei Provincial Diving Team in 1993, coached by Li Fang. […]

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