City to seek foreign advisers

SHENZHEN plans to set up a panel comprising top-notch foreign experts as advisers in the city’s drive to build an international metropolis, the city government said in a statement issued yesterday.

In the statement that listed measures to build Shenzhen into a “model city,” the government promised to listen more to the foreign professionals before adopting policies. The statement also spelt out policies dealing with building Shenzhen into an international metropolis, among other goals.

Among other measures to accelerate building Shenzhen into a metropolis was to further Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation. The focus will be on the joint development of the Lok Ma Chau Loop, integrating with Hong Kong to become a global finance center.

The planned rail link between Shenzhen and Hong Kong airports, and the Beijing-Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong express passenger railway were also part of the overall plan.

Shenzhen will also introduce more Hong Kong talent to work here and try to make border crossing easier for residents of the two cities.

The Qinhai Bay area in Shekou will be built into a model for the construction of a first-class city to catch up with advanced cities like Hong Kong, Singapore and Seoul.

Shenzhen companies are being encouraged to tap into international markets and improve competitiveness. The economic and trade cooperation zone in Vetnam set up by Shenzhen is to become a model for other mainland cities.(Mu Zi)

Govt. to hire foreigners

The city government said it would hire foreign employees as part of its effort to lure talent from other Chinese cities and abroad, the Shenzhen Evening News said yesterday.

Public service departments, including urban planning, water resources, urban administration and traffic, would benefit from the foreign employees as the experiences of developed countries were introduced to Shenzhen, said Wang Min, head of the city’s personnel bureau.But he did not elaborate.(Li Jing)