Chinese women’s soccer team will take part in six international warm-up matches in July to prepare for the Beijing Olympic Games, according to the team who is training in east China’s Tianjin. According to the team, China’s opponents in the warm-ups are Australia, New Zealand, Nigeria and the United States. Chinese women’s soccer team will […]
Day: October 6, 2008
British designer experiences Chinese design in SZ
Cai Yingbo BRITISH graphic designer Don Parker believes a good Chinese designer should take tradition and move forward by taking the benefits of the past into the future. A leader of the BA program in Advertising Design at the University of Wales in Britain, Parker said he had planned to visit Shenzhen after receiving an […]
期待的降雨并没有在昨天如期而至,雨后的鹏城时而云层翻滚,时而艳阳高照,时而又有点点雨珠落下,只有水银柱刻度不顾一切地往上攀升,重上30℃关口。这一冷一热中,不少人“中招”,感冒增多了。来自市气象台的消息称,晴到浓时雨复来,前天、昨天爽约的阵雨今天要来了。在弱冷空气等影响下,预计今天我市天气不稳定,有中雨局部大雨,并伴有雷暴,气温也将随之而降,凉爽再来。 在偏南暖湿气流影响下,昨天我市以多云天气为主,阳光充足,有短时的小雷雨,降雨不明显,很多人可能都没有感觉到降雨的出现,国家气候观象台仅有微量的雨时记录。由于日照较强,气温上升得较快,白天的气温由早晨的24.3℃再次上升到30℃,天气趋热。微弱的偏南风难散热气,夜间湿度较大,夜间我市东部沿海的雾气较重,出现了能见度小于1公里的大雾,市气象台于21日2∶30-9∶30在东部海区发布了大雾分区预警信号。 目前正有切变线和弱冷空气自北向南逐渐影响广东省,昨天已经给广东的北部地区带来了剧烈的降水过程,21日夜间到今天影响我市,我市天气趋于不稳定,将有一次中雨局部大雨的降水过程,并伴有雷暴,气温有所下降,预计今天的气温在22℃-28℃之间,降雨频密时,能见度较差,雨天路滑请注意交通安全。 预计明天起降水减弱,天气逐渐转好,以多云天气为主,可见阳光,中午前后气温较高,最高气温可达29℃左右,外出需注意防晒;春季天气系统变化较快,晴朗天气预计维持2-3天,周末期间我市将受到低压槽的影响,再次转为阴雨天气,有一次明显的降水过程,预计雨量可达大雨程度,并伴有雷暴等强对流天气,请注意预防。(肖意 王明洁)
Federer, Safin, Nadal reach Wimbledon semifinal
Roger Federer of Switzerland returns the ball during his quarterfinal match of the men’s singles against Mario Ancic of Croatia at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships in London, capital of Britain, on July 2, 2008. Federer won 3-0 (6-1, 7-5, 6-4) and advanced to the semifinal. (Xinhua/Xie Xiudong) The world number one, Swissland’s Roger Federer Wednesday […]
Hong Kong overcomes shortage of time to complete Olympic equestrian facilities
HONG KONG, June 10 (Xinhua) — Lin Huanguang, president of Olympic Equestrian Company said here on Tuesday that the limited time was the biggest challenge for Hong Kong to host the Olympic equestrian events, but expressed confidence that Hong Kong will be ready by August. Lin, who came into the office in March 2006, […]
U.S. Olympic, Paralympic hopefuls to visit Beijing
LOS ANGELES, July 23 (Xinhua) — The U.S. Olympics Committee (USOC) announced on Monday that five U.S. Olympic hopefuls and one U.S. Paralympic hopeful will travel to Beijing for the USOC Beijing Goodwill Tour. The trip, on Aug. 1-5, commemorates the one-year-out date of the 2008 Olympic Games, which begin Aug. 8, 2008, with the […]