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Tuesday Mar 04, 2025

Extra-time goals lift Russia into semifinals

  Russian players celebrate their victory over the Netherlands in the quarterfinal of the Euro 2008 Championships in Basel, Switzerland, on June 21, 2008. Russia won 3-1 and was qualified for the semifinal. (Xinhua Photo) Substitute Dmitri Torbinski and Andrei Arshavin scored late in extra time to give Russia a deserved 3-1 win over the […]

Safin topples Djokovic at Wimbledon

Russian Marat Safin surprised all, including himself, by dumping third seed Novak Djokovic of Serbia in the second round at Wimbledon on Wednesday. Having booked on a flight home Wednesday evening, Safin, 28, had a surprising win of 6-4, 7-6 and 6-2 over Djokovic to continue his journey at the Grand Slam tournament. “There is […]


    大赛背景:     第26届世界大学生夏季运动会将于2011年在深圳举办,为弘扬大运会精神,展现深圳城市风采,深圳第26届世界大学生夏季运动会组委会执行局(以下简称大运执行局)特举办海报设计大赛。     自2008年至2010年,大运执行局将连续举办三届海报设计大赛,每届获金、银奖的6件作品将直接参加2011年“深圳第26届世界大学生夏季运动会海报”的最终评审。届时将在三届金、银奖共18件作品中确定5件作品作为第26届世界大学生夏季运动会指定的宣传海报。     2008年度赛面向中国高校大学生,获金、银奖的作品将作为大运会2008年度宣传海报。     主办单位:深圳第26届世界大学生夏季运动会组委会执行局     承办单位:深圳职业技术学院     支持单位:中国美术家协会平面设计委员会、设计在线。     大赛评审团:由著名文化学者、设计专家学者组成(具体名单另行发布)。     大赛秘书处:设在深圳职业技术学院艺术设计学院     大赛日程:     2007年11月16日发布公告并启动全国宣传推广活动;     2007年11月16日-2008年1月5日,作品征集阶段;     2008年1月6日-7日,组委会对参赛作品进行资格审查;     2008年1月8日-9日,大赛评审团对所有入围作品进行评审,确定终评获奖名单,展览开幕前在媒体和官方网站上公布获奖名单;     2008年1月中旬,展览开幕,同时举行颁奖活动。     作品征集类别:主题海报     作品主题:青春、友谊、活力     作品应主题突出,视觉语言健康向上并具感染力,充分体现世界大学生运动会的本质内涵,可用传统或现代文化元素体现大学生青春向上、激情飞扬的精神风貌。艺术风格不限。     参赛对象:全国(含港、澳、台地区)高校艺术设计类专业在校大学生。     奖项设置     金奖:1名(奖金人民币10,000元及获奖证书)     银奖:5名(奖金人民币6,000元及获奖证书)     铜奖:10名(奖金人民币3,000元及获奖证书)     优秀奖:50名(获奖证书)     入选奖:200名(入选证书)     优秀作品指导奖:16名(获奖证书)     大赛组织奖:6个(获奖证书)     参赛规则:     1、提交作品的要求     1)每件作品均须提交A4(210mm×297mm)规格样稿一份,无需装裱,但在提交时不可折叠;并将填好的参赛表格粘贴在背后。2)须提交刻入光盘的电子制作稿一份(120cm×90cm幅面),精度不低于300dpi,存储格式为TIF(CMYK模式)或CDR。并在光盘表面清晰标注作者的姓名与电话号码等联系方式。     2、作品及光盘请以特快专递形式提交,为了避免参赛作品在邮寄途中遭损坏,建议采取安全包装方法。组委会对在邮寄途中遭到损坏的作品概不负责。     3、为保证大赛评奖公平、公正,所有参赛作品正面不得出现作者所在院校及作者的名称。     4、本年度赛无需交纳参赛费用。 […]

Constellation of Peripheral Industries

Shenzhen is a showcase center for the transfer and trade of high-tech products in China. It also serves as the national distribution center for many patent products, such as electronics products, timepieces, furniture and agricultural products. Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta region have rich human resources, a high level of technology, fast transport facilities, […]

PM in town to learn from SZ experience

Han Ximin A DELEGATION of senior officials headed by Rustam Minnikhanov, prime minister of the Rupublic of Tatarstan, an autonomous republic in west-central Russia, arrived in Shenzhen yesterday to see how Shenzhen is preparing for the 26th Summer Universiade. The visit was regarded as an important step for the republic to learn from Universiade organizers […]

Deco teams up with Scolari again

Deco transferred to Chelsea from FC Barcelona on Monday, reuniting with former Portuguese national team manager Luiz Felipe Scolari at Stamford Bridge. The signing is the first for Chelsea since Scolari announced during the European Championship that he was leaving the Portuguese side for the London club, and comes a day before he officially takes […]

Graduates to work in Gansu for 1 yr

Graduates to work in Gansu for 1 yr  DATA: 2008-07-03 Some of the 13 Shenzhen University graduates to work in Gansu at a send-off ceremony at the campus yesterday.Photos by Cheng Haikun Jiang Tanyu, Party chief of the Shenzhen University, helps a girl volunteer with her backpack. Wang Yuanyuan A TOTAL of 13 graduates from […]

Italy referee to officiate Euro 2008 final

 Referees for the upcoming EURO 2008 soccer championships (1st row L to R) Konrad Plautz from Austria, Frank de Bleeckere from Belgium, Howard Webb from England, Manuel Enrique Mejuto Gonzalez from Spain, Herbert Fandel from Germany, Kyros Vassaras from Greece and (2nd row L to R) Roberto Rosetti from Italy, Pieter Vink from the Netherlands, […]

Joachim Lowe looking on the bright side

GERMANY coach Joachim Lowe insisted his side had much to be proud of even though a “fantastic” campaign ended with a 1-0 defeat by Spain in the UEFA Euro 2008 final. Joachim Lowe looking on the bright side  DATA: 2008-07-01 Germany’s Michael Ballack reacts after Germany lost to Spain in Vienna on Sunday.SD-Agencies “I had […]

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