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Monday Mar 03, 2025

Davydenko out of Wimbledon tennis

 Russian Nikolay Davydenko suffered his fifth first-round defeat in seven appearances at Wimbledon when he suffered three straight 6-4 sets to Germany’s Benjamin Becker on Tuesday. (Xinhua/Reuters file Photo) Russian Nikolay Davydenko suffered his fifth first-round defeat in seven appearances at Wimbledon when he suffered three straight 6-4 sets to Germany’s Benjamin Becker on Tuesday. […]

IHG South China to build school in Sichuan

Maggie Tang NINE InterContinental Hotel Group (IHG) hotels in South China combined Friday to launch the 2008 Project Hope program at InterContinental Shenzhen to raise at least 750,000 yuan (US$107,000) for a quake-resistant primary school in Sichuan and a school in Guangdong. The fund-raising drive, with the theme, “Teach the Kids,” aims to support financially […]

S Africa launches anti-doping program for Beijing-bound athletes

South African athletes to compete in the Beijing Olympics, will all have to undergo a series of tests before their departure. The decision was announced Tuesday by the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS) who unveiled details of the anti-doping programme for the Olympic and Paralympic teams heading to the Games in Beijing. “It […]

New Zealander finds a home in city

Windy Shao ROBIN FERRALL from New Zealand has worked in Shenzhen for seven years and now considers the city his home. “Life has become routine for me and I’ve got used to things here,” said Ferrall, who has been working as a kindergarten teacher since 2001. After obtaining a certificate in childcare in New Zealand, […]


市领导率队检查人文环境建设情况时强调 文化建设要直接服务于社区 大运官网讯 昨天下午(7月2日),市委常委、市委教育工委书记李意珍率领教育、文化、交通等相关部门负责人,深入到学校、公交车站、图书馆、阅览室、网吧等场所,检查我市人文环境方面迎接全国文明城市复查所做的准备工作。李意珍表示,要坚决将各项迎检措施落到实处,推动我市文明城市创建工作更上一层楼。 李意珍一行首先来到沙头角中学,感受到学校浓郁的文化氛围后,李意珍表示,学校除提高教学质量,还应大力发展校园文化,使学生在健康、阳光的文化氛围熏陶下成长。随后,李意珍一行来到学校专设的心理咨询室,关切地询问学生的心理健康状况。咨询室的专职老师表示,现在青少年的困惑很多,只要找到合适的途径,困惑能很快消失,李意珍听后欣慰地点点头。 在202路公交车总站,李意珍走上一辆202路公交车,仔细查看车内的乘车环境、安全设施等。他向工作人员仔细询问了司乘人员的服务态度、乘客满意度等问题,并询问公交车上安全问题如何控制。市交通局相关负责人汇报说,我市已有3000余辆巴士安装摄像头,每辆车共有3-4个摄像头,车上发生的不法行为,摄像头都会有记录,不仅有利于事后调查取证,对不法行为也能起到强大的威慑作用。此外,发生不法行为,乘客在车上报警后,交通部门能第一时间通过GPS定位,准备测出具体位置,并能看到车内情况,便于应对紧急事件。“这真是深圳一道流动的风景线。”李意珍笑着说。 随后,李意珍一行来到盐田区文化中心,参观这里的各项文化设施。盐田区文化局负责人介绍,到该馆读书的大多是劳务工,每逢周末的时候,馆内都是座无虚席,他们会在馆外增设桌椅,为这些求知若渴的读者提供方便。李意珍走到一位读者面前,这位年轻人是来自湛江的一名劳务工,平时经常来图书馆看书。“看书是想学习哪方面的知识?”李意珍问。“主要看如何做人方面的书。”听到小伙子的回答,李意珍鼓励他好好学习,好好做人。据介绍,盐田区每个社区都设有图书馆,为方便市民读书“充电”,区图书馆与各街道图书馆已实现联网,保证市民“通借通还”。李意珍表示,文化建设要落到实处,一定不能浮于表面,要直接服务于社区。 位于盐田区委后的香径全速网吧是检查的最后一站,为有效杜绝未成年人上网,每名上网者在前台都会用身份证进行登记,并且进行现场拍照留底。在查看网吧的环境后,李意珍向工作人员询问室内通风设备、安全通道等设施是否齐全。他强调,青少年的上网问题关系到他们的身心健康,要加强管理,做到文明上网,确保网吧各项安全措施到位,避免出现安全意外。(记者 秦小艳)  

Falling inlove with SZin three days

    Cui Xiaoli     WINSTON STERZEL, a Briton who grew up in South Africa, was convinced that Shenzhen was the place to be after a three-day business trip in 2005, following which he moved here.     It turned out to be a wise decision as his company Access Oriental is booming. He is mainly in charge of […]

Graduates to work in Gansu for 1 yr

Wang Yuanyuan A TOTAL of 13 graduates from Shenzhen University will leave Shenzhen today to work voluntarily in Gansu Province for a year to help rebuild quake-hit regions. They were chosen from 100 applicants. Two of them are postgraduate students who were able to have the suspension of studies for one year approved so they […]

I will buy CDs of ancient Chinese music!

Indonesian University Sports Federation President Supeno Djanali: I will buy CDs of ancient Chinese music! Indonesian University Sports University Federation President Supeno Djanali was no doubt the most active visitor yesterday. He called himself “Superman” since his first name is Supeno. Djanali’s affection for China was special, as his beautiful wife’s ancestors were Chinese. Djanali […]

Nets hope to expand market by adding Yi

AS Yi Jianlian trained with the Chinese Olympic basketball team, the New Jersey Nets made a three-player trade with the Milwaukee Bucks on Thursday afternoon, acquiring Yi and putting him in the spotlight on the East Coast. Nets hope to expand market by adding Yi  DATA: 2008-06-30 Yi Jianlian during a friendly match between the […]

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