BANGKOK, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) — The Chinese delegation to the 24th Universiade sent invitations to the world during their parade into the Rajamangala National Stadium in the opening ceremony on Wednesday. “Welcome to Beijing, 8 August, 2008,” said the banner they carried. The Universiade, which opened here on Wednesday, exact one year before the Beijing […]
Day: August 20, 2008
金融界专家代表热议落马洲河套地区土地用途 深港河套区可设中国碳交易所 大运官网讯 作为一块特殊的深港“福地”,河套地区一直被各界人士看成是有望形成制度突破的金融改革示范区。在昨日落马洲河套地区土地用途公共咨询最后一场的金融专题讨论会上,来自银行、投资、保险和证券行业的18位专家代表再次就“金融特区”概念展开了热烈的讨论。以河套开发为契机,通过深港合作创造出深圳独有的发展金融中心的优势,成为大家的共识。 面对目前上海、北京和天津几大城市同时提出的打造国际金融中心的形势,很多与会专家寄望深圳通过河套创造出其他城市所无法比拟的独特优势。深圳市金融办的胡浩表示,金融业是深圳市的战略性支柱产业,是典型的高附加值无污染的产业。河套地区总面积不到1平方公里,只有金融业的高度资本集聚才能发挥这一地区的特殊价值。可以以河套这一地区的特殊性向中央申请成为金融机构的集聚区,金融改革的试验区,从而实现一些政策上的突破。 而深圳市证监局局长助理霍达也认为,应当将河套形成一个类似金融特区或是试验区的概念,争取一些特殊的政策支持。他建议深港双方合作开发并共同建立独立的管理机构,按国际惯例进行管理和运作,突出投融资、财富管理和金融创新功能。 在强调制度突破的同时,一些专家也提出了一些十分具体而新颖的建议。深圳证券交易所研究员萧莺建议,在河套地区设立中国碳(温室气体排放权)交易所。该交易所设在河套地区可以解决粤港地区环境污染问题,有利于积极推进粤港共同进行环境保护和节能减排工作的力度和效果。据悉,目前全球开展温室气体减排交易的交易所,有芝加哥气候交易所和欧盟排放交易所。 而市金融顾问协会的李汉卿建议,在河套地区建立一个以“中国”冠名的金融证券企业联盟,以吸引更多有实力的中外金融银行和证券公司落户于此,产生金融产业的集聚效应。他主张将河套地区规划为一个高架形式的金融城,这样可以尽量保护周围的生态环境,同时可实现双赢,创造协同共生效应,既可拓展深圳金融业发展空间,也可巩固提升香港国际金融中心城市地位。 在各种思想碰撞、交汇的同时,也有专家表现出审慎的态度。人民银行外管局深圳市分局处长曲延玲建议在河套地区建立一个国际化高级会议中心。她表示金融中心不应受到物理地域的局限,网络的高度发展也无法使资金汇集在一栋大楼或一个区域。她还指出,在深、港双方政府积极推动各种合作的今天,建立双方合作的代表性物理建筑,可以促进交流、拓宽视野。从会议中心还可以分别看到深圳的经济区和香港的生态区,在对比不同的景观视界中体现和谐。(记者 孙锦 实习生 蔡晨晨)
Quake survivor celebrates 18th birthday in SZ
Yang Liu, who was injured in the Sichuan earthquake, celebrates her 18th birthday with a cake in a Shenzhen hospital ward. A student of Dongqi Middle School in the quake-hit city of Mianzhu, Yang was dubbed “the most miserable survivor” of the earthquake because she had to undergo further operations after her both legs […]
Remember the moment of success
Many excited Shenzhen residents got a chance to celebrate a victory of their own early this morning when Shenzhen was chosen as the host of the Summer Universiade in 2011. Chen Lu, world champion of figure skating is singing. Shenzhen leaders are waiting the result with students. Shenzhen wins. College students are excited. The press are […]
Spain beat Germany 1-0 to lift Euro 2008 title
Spain’s players celebrate with the trophy after the Euro 2008 championships final between Germany and Spain in Vienna, Austria, on June 29, 2008. A first-half goal from Fernando Torres earned Spain the first UEFA European Championship in 44 years. (Xinhua/Guo Yong) Spain won the Euro 2008 title after beating Germany 1-0 in Ernst-Happel Stadion on […]
Service Telephone Numbers
The Municipal government (operator) Tel: (86-755) 82100000 The Municipal Public Security Bureau (directory inquiry) Tel: (86-755) 84463999 Traffic Police Bureau. (operator) Tel: (86-755) 84469000 The Municipal Bus Company (Operator) Tel: (86-755) 83333222 Shenzhen Railway Station inquiry office Tel: (86-755) 82328647 Shenzhen water Supply Group Co (for consultation) Tel: (86-755) 82137777 Booking office of Shenzhen Airlines […]
Invitation Letter for the Design Contest forthe Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade Mascot
V. The Appraisal Committee of the Contest 5.1 The Executive Board will set up an Appraisal Committee in the Design Contest to appraise the submitted works. The Executive Board possesses the final decision-making right for the constitution, number or personnel adjustment of the Appraisal Committee members. 5.2 The Appraisal Committee will appraise […]
The Summer Universiade consists of 12 compulsory sports (Athletics – Basketball – Fencing – Football – Gymnastics – Judo – Swimming – Diving – Water Polo – Table Tennis – Tennis – Volleyball) and up to three optional sports chosen by the host country. The record figures are 7,805 participants in Izmir, Turkey in 2005 […]
Liu Rui wined the women's 72kg final
In taekwondo, Chinese Liu Rui defeated Belarus’ Alesia Charniuskaya 3-1 to win the women’s 72kg final where South Korean Jung Sun-Young and Turkey’s Mehtap Yalcin shared the bronze medals. “I’ve tried my best in the competitions, and the victory was not easy as it seemed,” Liu said, noting that all of the taekwondoists attending the Universiade […]