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Tuesday Mar 04, 2025


Every 5 mins a shift, auto-station alarm. Time: 6:30-22:30 Price for ordinary buses: RMB1, 1.5 or 2/person Price for air-conditioned buses: RMB2, 2.5 and or 3/person Most of the buses re auto ticket-selling, and some of the buses charge fees over sections. Subway lines Line — Major Stops

巅峰梦想登山活动启动 决战在哈巴雪山

    大运会官方网讯(记者 王佳)3月22日上午,梧桐山脚下春意正浓,随着一声发令枪响,一支人数近千,由身着红衣红帽的深大学生,招行客户及员工,F1摩托艇艇员等组成的登山队伍向梧桐山顶发起了冲刺,这次“招商银行CCTV巅峰梦想红动中国”全民健身登山活动由深圳第26届世界大学生夏季运动会组委会执行局、招商银行、CCTV科教节目制作中心、新浪网联合主办,将在全国30余个城市举行,各地海选出的优胜者将会在云南哈巴雪山进行登山技能决赛。      

¥2b deals clinched at intl. auto show

Residents inspect an SUV at the Shenzhen International Auto Show on Sunday. Zheng Dongsheng     CONTRACTS worth more than 2 billion yuan (US$286 million), a record figure, were signed at the 12th Shenzhen International Auto Show, which closed yesterday at the Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center.     Heavy rain during the weekend did not dampen the […]


Federation Internationale du Sport Universitaire FISU stands for Federation Internationale du Sport Universitaire (International University Sports Federation) and was founded in 1949. FISU’s main responsability is the supervision of both Summer and Winter Universiades as well as the World University Championships. FISU is composed of a General Assembly which represents the members (141 National University […]


    按照口号征集公告的要求,我们于2008年4月16日到4月22日期间,在大运会官方网站公布了10条优秀口号,并接受公众网上投票。     投票结果公布如下(按得票数从高到低排列): 序号 优秀口号 网上得票数 1 从这里开始  5833 2 世界,看我们的 5041 3 青春同行,四海一心 4218 4 心相约,梦飞扬  3854 5 为青春喝彩  3805 6 青春激活世界  3431 7 牵手世界 放飞梦想  3405 8 激情之夏 欢乐年华 2423 9 世界同梦想,天性竞自由  2007 10 青春有约,仁爱无界  1455                                        深圳第26届世界大学生夏季运动会组委会执行局                                                     2008年5月5日  

U.S. students send hope to quake children

Two Shenzhen Airlines employees show letters from U.S. students at the Shenzhen airport Tuesday. Qi Jieshuang SHENZHEN Airlines on Tuesday transported 800 letters from students of 40 U.S. schools to children affected by the devastating Sichuan earthquake. Shenzhen Airlines was commissioned by the State of Washington to carry the letters, along with other disaster relief […]

Invitation Letter for the Design Contest forthe Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade Mascot

    IV. Procedures for the Submission of the Documents for Contest     4.1 The documents for contest submitted by the participants shall include all the works regulated in Article II and the requisite documents in Article III. The Executive Board will conduct formalized censoring for the documents for contest. And it has the right to […]

Plaza Culture

In July 1986, Hongli Road Youth And Children’s Activity Center where the Open-air stage was built with brick and cement and on which many new forms and styles of evening parties were organized: The general public does not pay to watch the performance but the performers paying 50 cents shall be allowed to perform on […]

Liang Daoxing

On behalf of the Executive Board of the 26th Summer Universiade and the Executive Office of the Organizing Committee, I would be honored to express our thanks for the concern and support from relevant institutions of Shenzhen, friends of press and media, and Shenzhen citizens on such a joyful and propitious moment. Meanwhile, I would […]

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